Monday, Monday, ba da ba da da da… it’s TGF!
Good morning my little muffins! Or whatever time of day and baked item you want. The time is always right for the Monday Morning Edition of TGF! We lead off with Ronnie Rho’s TWIT Notes. This week we learn that ENDA may have a leg to stand on with the new administration. A TS model walks the walk and takes the runway by storm in Brazil. Crossdressing bandits make the news (are they stealing dresses?) Forget that trip to Honduras, and learn who’s coming out of the closet in the comic books. And of course it’s one step forward, one step back in the fight for bathroom rights and it’s all there in This Week In Transgenderism.
Michelle Moore begins a multi part investigation into the legends of TG history in her TG History column. The first myth she takes on is the common belief that the legendary FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was a gay crossdresser. Was he? Don’t say “yes” till you’ve read TG Legends Part 1.
The hardest working journalist on the Internet, Miss Pamela DeGroff, gives us an introduction to TG radio programming with her Perpetual Change column on Internet Radio. (Maybe we should make this one a podcast?) Don’t miss out on the TG resources that are available for listening 24/7 and read all about it in this month’s Perpetual Change.
And last of all we bring you an encouraging piece on how the recession, which is making our purses lighter, may also be an almost dream-like time for the bargain shopping crossdresser. When the stuff doesn’t sell at full price they mark it down. And when they can’t sell enough stuff they go out of business and have a liquidation sale. Two words that are music to a bargain shoppers ears. Can we save the economy by shopping? We won’t know until we give it a shot.
That’s it for this week. Remember to scroll down and check JoAnn’s post on how to forward your email contact list and do it soon as the old email system will be going away shortly. Look for more positive changes around TGF in the weeks to come. It’s gotta be this new administration. Change is just in the air.
Category: All TGForum Posts