Monday Means New TGF Content
TGForum has gone social network on you!
Got your attention? No, we haven’t turned into Facebook, but I sent a note out in mid week with information on a new feature that allows TGF readers to network like you do on Facebook and MySpace with a tool we call TGFriends. Several of our readers have taken advantage of the feature and we want everyone to start using it to make friends, network and do whatever else you can do with a social media tool. Take a look at the black links bar at the top of the Home page. On the right side you’ll see the TGFriends link. Click on it and pull down and you’ll see Post, Profile, InBox, My Settings and some other links. Go to Profile first and edit it. You can provide information and adjust how you want it shared. Everyone on TGF is automatically part of TGFriends so be sure you adjust your info and settings as you want them displayed. We hope that adding this tool to go along with our Message Board and Chat Room will give readers greater satisfaction with the site.
Of course our number one feature is our weekly content update. We won’t disappoint. We start today with The Week In Transgenderism. I’ve rounded up stories from the four cornersĀ of the globe (if the globe were flat that saying would make sense) and have it all from Andrej Pejic being called a “thing” to the big story about the 17 year old TG who was elected prom queen at her school, the weird way Texas treats TGs, Chloe Sevigny playing a TG assassin in a new mini series, the first gay marriage in France, a Presidential Proclamation, and a whole lot more. For all the TG news that fits, don’t miss your TWIT!

Pablo Picasso
The Artist D is with us this week. They don’t just call her The Artist D, ya know. This young woman knows her art. She is able to discuss Picasso and Lady Miss Kier in the same sentence. . . well, within the same article, and she knows what she’s talking about in both areas. This week she discusses the natures of fashion and art. Fashion is art and art is fashion, and The Artist D is art and she’s fashionable so somehow it all makes sense and is entertaining and informative. For a dose of art, fashion and The Artist D don’t miss her article Art is Fashion is Art is Fashion is . . .

Chaos and Lace
Pamela DeGroff takes us from the areas of fashion and art deeply into the realm of music with her Perpetual Change column — possibly the longest running column in the world about transgender people making music. This month Pamela has an interview with the lead singer and guitarist for the band Chaos and Lace. Julianna Brown is the leader of the group and she tells Pam why they changed the name from The Cruel Shoes, what their musical influences are, who comes to their gigs, and when they might be releasing an album. Pam, as always, closes the column with mini reviews of new CDs by artists of interest. Don’t miss Perpetual Change!
Last month we started a new TG fiction story by our star contributor Sophie Lynne. The New Girl introduced us to George, a guy just slogging his way through life with only his weekend crossdressing to cheer him up. George is definitely in need of a change. Little does he know how big a change is coming up, and it starts today. Don’t miss Chapter 2 of The New Girl.
That’s our offering for today. Don’t forget to set up TGFriends! Enjoy!
Category: TG Forum News