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Monday I Say!

| Sep 20, 2010
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ange0710Welcome to the TGForum Monday Edition. We leap directly into the fray with our most popular feature, The Week In Transgenderism by our News Editor Ronnie Rho. Ronnie has assembled all the TG news you’ll ever need. Well, actually she apologizes since the TG news was a bit slim this past week, even though we told her there’s no need for an apology, TWIT is always good. Sometimes it’s just a little shorter. And that makes it all the sweeter! Catch up on all the TG news from around the world, don’t miss your TWIT!

Today we ask the question “Who’s That Lady?” The ladies in question are famous (and not so) celebs who have dressed up as the opposite sex for roles in film, television and video. There’s even a “gentleman” in this edition of “Who’s That Lady?” Boy, this could be confusing. Anyhow, check out the photos of famous fellas in drag and see if you can guess who’s who. Don’t miss “Who’s That Lady?”

Linda Jensen joins us today for a steamy interview with a crossdresser. Linda works for her local support group as a screener, making sure the oddballs don’t slip into any of their meeting by conducting a pre-meeting interview. (Guys in dresses trying to screen out oddballs? Something odd there.) In the course of her screening duties she has met many intriguing, and (dare we say?) sexy people. In this month’s column she introduces us to Finnish lovely Liisa. Liisa tells Linda how she got started in crossdressing and it’s not your typical tale. It gets a bit steamy in fact, so if you are easily put off by active libidos being exercised to the fullest then don’t go there girl. If you can handle the passion don’t miss Linda Jensen’s Liisa.

And that’s it for today’s TGForum Monday Edition. Enjoy!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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