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Monday Edition!

| Jun 28, 2010
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monday5-10Hi everyone! We’re a few hours late with the Monday Edition so I apologize to those of you who got up early, rubbed the sleep from your eyes and rushed to the computer to read your TGF Monday Edition. There were electronic perturbations of the Internet making it hard to get anything done last night. Packets kept disappearing into the Matrix and the whole thing was running like it was under a coating of heavy syrup. All the bytes were beat. The tech geeks seem to have it all straightened out so now you can get down to enjoying your TGF Monday Edition.

We kick off today with News Editor Ronnie’s Rho’s compilation of every TG related news item that appeared on the Web last week, The Week In Transgenderism. Learn about a woman who’s too tired to fight with her son over his dresses, meet the happy eunuch, find out why Leonardo DiCaprio won’t be wearing a dress in his next movie, more about Pride and of course a couple of TWITS. It’s all there in TWIT!

Christine Beatty has been rubbing elbows with the stars (shouldn’t you use a lotion or a cream when you do that? Must chaff a bit) at the LA Film Festival all last week and she has filed her TransActive column asking the question, which is better, to be in deep stealth about your gender transition or to be open about it to one and all? She gives us her perspective and asks Calpernia Addams for her take on the subject. If you’re trying to decide how you’ll handle this sticky question don’t miss this month’s TransActive.

Linda Jensen has filed another report in her ongoing series about her admirer man, Martin. In this month’s column Linda gives us Martin’s tips on how a T girl can make herself attractive to a man. Even if you don’t want to attract a male lover it’s interesting to read what an admirer looks for in a TG lady. And if you are looking for Mister Right you’ll definitely want Martin’s information on how to hook a man. Check out My Favorite Martin Part 4.

And that dear readers is another TGF Monday Edition. Enjoy!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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