It’s Monday! In this hemisphere at least.

| Apr 20, 2009
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Good morning campers! What a lovely day. Well it’s raining outside TGF World Headquarters in suburban Philadelphia but we’ve got our warm, Juicy velour track suits and a pot of hot coffee so we’re snug inside while the rain falls.

Today we start the Monday Edition with the handiwork of or News Editor Miss Ronnie Rho. The Rhoster, as we call her around the office (when she’s not around) has assembled an extra large helping of TG news. Be prepared for a long time online before you start reading This Week In Transgenderism. But don’t skip it! She has stories on everything from Dame Edna’s tell all interview, to a full length article about Leiv Schrieber’s role in the upcoming Ang Lee picture Taking Woodstock, to the Tranny Shack Roadshow, trouble in Eureka, Arkansas and what TS porn star Wendy Williams thinks of the term “she-male.” It’s a double dose of TWIT!

Next up today is Dina’s Diner. Miss Dina Amberle, owner operator of the dishiest diner on the Web, has a few stories that she has culled from the herd and offers to us as her blue plate specials. What’s up with middle-age moms who have surgery to look like their teenage daughters. Sounds un-natural to me but I’m sitting here in a velour track suit, high heeled sneakers and a teased up blonde wig with a bow in the front. Who am I to talk? But…the Diner, as I was saying is loaded with Dina’s take on the news items of the day, or a couple of days ago at least. It takes her a while to read them and then write it up but it’s always worth the wait for Dina’s Diner.

Lexy Tranner — Weekend CD is with us this week. Toonster Kyra Kelly again comments on the TG scene as we dive into Lexy’s cartoon world where the people are all remarkably similar to those we meet here in this world. Don’t miss Lexy!

I first heard of a band called The Toilet Boys several years back. What made me want to know more was photos of their sexy TG singer Miss Guy. The Toilet Boys have broken up but Miss Guy has gone on to work with Deborah Harry (Blondie) and the currently incarcerated Boy George. She/he also is a happenin’ DJ and has a new solo album out. I mention all this because this week our music columnist Pamela DeGroff features Miss Guy in her Transvocalizers column. Don’t miss TVocalizers!

That’s it for this edition. As always, your comments and critiques are always welcome. If you don’t want to make a public statement in the Comment box send me an email. All input is useful as we strive to make TGF the best darned tranny magazine on the Interweb.

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Category: All TGForum Posts


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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