Hot Flash! BBC Documentary
The BBC is working on a documentary about people who can’t have children and they want to include transsexual individuals who are willing to appear on camera discussing how they feel about not being able to father or give birth. If you want more information give the “more” link a click.
<> If ou are interested in participating contact info is at the end of this email from BBC researcher Kristin Ernst:
<><> Dear Jo and Angela,
I am working as a Researcher for the BBC in Bristol, and am currently helping a director to work out a programme idea, a documentary about people who cannot have children.
We would like to include as many opinions, stories and situations as possible. One area we wanted to explore is what happens to people after they had a sex change—is the question of having children a relevant issue for transsexuals?
I was wondering if you could help, I would very much like to post a message on a forum or speak to a few people who are prepared to talk to me about this.
With best wishes and many thanks for your help!
Kristin Ernst
BBC Bristol Documentaries & Contemporary Factual
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0117 974 7645
Category: Transgender Community News