Hello TGF! Monday Edition Ready
What a week! It’s been enough to wear a crossdresser down. First off there was Halloween and The Henry David Halloween Ball. It was Henry’s 40th so I had to go. For the first time in my history of attending the Ball I wore a commercially available costume and went as a fairy. (Fairy photo to the right.) Then I had to hostess my own After Halloween party on Saturday night at Angela’s Laptop Lounge. With all that costume activity in a short period of time all I want to do is sit quietly and read. If you’re in the same state then here’s your Monday morning present — The Monday Edition of TGF!
First up this week we bring you Ronnie Rho’s TWIT Notes. TWIT has links to stories from the world press ranging from coverage of Halloween fun around the country to the report on a TS pageant in Pravda, to footwear safety tips from a drag queen and a whole lot more.
Lexy Tranner — Weekend CD is with us this week and once again Kyra Kelly has summed up a thought that I’m sure many of us have had. What’s that thought? Read Lexy Tranner and see.
Stephanie Yates blogs about what we’re called. I always say you can call me anything but don’t call me late to the bargain racks. Seriously, Stephanie likes the term “ambigendered” to refer to those of us who frequently cross the gender border. Read her What’s in a Name? blog and leave a comment on what name you’d prefer.
Dina Amberle has filed a new Digital Diner for this month. What stories has she plucked from the news to refurbish with her own special slant? This month there’s a lot about high heels. For babies, for male fundraisers, she brings us stories about high and super high heels…and some other entertaining stuff in The Digital Diner.
Pamela DeGroff — the hardest working writer in the TG community — brings us a Transvocalizers column on Calpernia Addams. We knew she was an actress and entertainer. Did you know she sings? She does, and she also photographs very well. It’s a Transvocalizers interview with Calpernia Addams.
So far I’ve only gotten two (2) Sarah Palin Halloween Costume Challenge photos so the fate of the pictorial is in your hands. Don’t be an undecided Palin costume wearer. Get that dark wig, glasses and suit and take that picture! Send it to me via the email on the tubes of the Interweb and we’ll run the pictorial next week.
Last week’s Who’s That Lady? feature stymied a few folks who couldn’t get the link to work for them. I hope the majority of you were able to access it. It seems to be a problem for some older browsers. If you haven’t seen it or had trouble seeing it Who’s That Lady?, like all TGF features, is always there. Try this link to view it.
JoAnn Roberts is back from her Beauty and the Beach weekend and if anyone remembered to take pictures we’ll bring you a pictorial on that event soon.
Category: TG Forum News