breast forrms

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho! To The New Content We Go!

| Sep 26, 2011
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Angela Gardner

It’s another Monday and like the hardworking TG journalists, commentators and bloggers we are we have assembled another edition of TGForum for your edification and amusement. We could have been watching Boardwalk Empire and sipping a glass of wine but no. We were locked in our office suite at TGF Tower burning the ten o’clock oil to get you fresh content. Mission accomplished! Heck of a job Brownie! And now, the news.

We begin with our award winning feature (okay, so far no awards but we can dream, can’t we) The Week In Transgenderism. This week we’ve sifted the sands of the Internet and culled such gems as the story of a high school coach who was fired for posting a photo of him with two drag queens on his Facebook page. We’ve got a story that tells the secret of Andrej Pejic’s 25  inch waist. We cover the California transwoman inmate who is in the men’s prison and wants a sex change to get out. They’re not letting her. There’s stuff about Chaz Bono, things regarding advances for TGs around the world and a few TWIT awards. For the latest transgender news you cannot miss your TWIT.

The Artist D

The Artist D joins us today with a fascinating look at eyebrows. Your eyebrows send an immediate message to those around you. For some, like Martin Scorsese, the message is “Look out my gigantic eyebrow is going to knock you over!” For male to female TGs the eyebrows can send a subtle message of femininity, but only if you paint them on in the right place. Shaving your brows? The Artist D has some thoughts on that as well. Improve your femme appearance, be a highbrow, and don’t miss The Artist D’s Brow Beating.

Boy Chic

Pamela DeGroff joins us today with her Perpetual Change column. This month Pamela has found a band from New York City that enjoys a good schmeer and some lox. They’re Jewish, they’re transmen, and they play a style of music they call Jewcore. Which is a sort of punk klezmer with some polka mixed in. Have some cabbage rolls to go with that bagel. They’re an interesting bunch of young musicians with an interesting name. Schmekel. Find out what that means and read this week’s Perpetual Change. Pamela has some new music news to round it out.

Our good friend and drag legend David de Alba was kind enough to send us a photo of himself onstage in his recent show. He’s singing his heart out in character as his unique creation Boy Chic. Thanks David! Be sure to let us know when you next show occurs.

That’s our offering for this Monday. Enjoy!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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