Fashion Icon: The Trench Coat
Well, I guess it’s official—Welcome to Fall—not my favorite season! But there are some positives to the Autumnal Hoedown, and many can be found in your closet, and your sweater drawer.
The one thing that keeps me from lying on the floor and whining until Summer is. . .the TRENCH COAT. I was in downtown Philadelphia the other day, and I saw a woman who looked so put-together and classy that I had to go right over and compliment her. She said it made her day! What was she wearing, you might ask? She was almost all in black; black suede booties, stockings and well-fitted dress. . .and a KILLER navy-blue short trench coat! It was between hip and knee-length, with a wide self-fabric belt, and the coat had a knife-sharp pleat in the back.
So freakin’ classy!!
The grandparent of trench coats began around 1823, with mostly the same silhouette seen today—but they were heavy, and coated to be waterproof. They were also great at keeping sweat and heat in, and later the fabulous companies of Burberry and Aquascutum refined them by coating only the coat’s fibers, rendering them both waterproof and not smelly. The trench coat was the coat for the British military officer in World War One—they were made in a color called Khaki, which means “dust” in Hindi.
Finally, that horrible war ended, but not the popularity of the coat! It was blazed into the world’s consciousness in films like Casablanca, where Humphrey Bogart cut a dashing figure in Burberry. Any time you see a film noir classic, I betcha you’ll see the trench coat.
So, in the way that truly classic clothing knows no gender bounds, this sartorial star has never left the spotlight. I, personally, have four trench coats—a leopard print, a turquoise one, a hot pink one and a teal wool Sean John one. They are one of the most flattering items ever worn—especially a hip-to knee-length one. Button it up, cinch the waist real tight—instant hourglass figure! Find one with a beautiful lining—it will rivet every eye after you casually toss it onto an easy chair. Then go hang it up, we’re not animals.
And, if you wear the trench over a very short dress, with heels, it will look for all the world like you aren’t wearing anything under it—it’s gonna get tres hot in that room!
The only other positive thing about fall—cashmere. Wear a bodacious cashmere v-neck sweater and a slim pencil skirt under the trench—and be sure to carry a spritzer-bottle, to put out the flames of desire you will inspire!
Category: Transgender Fashion