Eye(shadow) on Hollywood!
No outing. I promise. Well, no intentional outing anyway. Maybe accidental. (And to tell you the truth, I can’t even remember who it was I was going to out in the first place anyway.) But I do know that I don’t know why Jeffrey Carlson is not a household name in the TG community. You’re not even sure who I’m talking about, are you?
That’s because he’s not a household name.
Okay, Jeffrey plays Zoe on All My Children. Zoe started on the show as Zarf, but is transitioning. Yes, there is a transsexual character on daytime television.
It’s not the first time Jeffrey has done drag. He also appeared in the musical Taboo.
By all accounts, the character has been well-received, and Jeffrey does a bang-up job. I can’t say first hand, because I’ve only seen his performance briefly and in passing. (I work during the day and don’t have time to watch the soaps. Maybe that’s why so few of us are talking about it.)
Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Opinion