breast forrms

Drag in Cinema

| Mar 1, 2021
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Arsenio Hall in in Coming to America.

Coming to America

Since the sequel to Coming to America with Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall is finally being released, titled Coming 2 America, we simply must mention Arsenio Hall’s drag role in the 1988 film. Eddie Murphy plays a wealthy African prince. He and his best friend and personal assistant, portrayed by Hall, come to America so the prince can find a woman who loves him for himself and not because he is a prince. in one scene the two men visit a nightclub to look for good candidates for marriage. One of the women is played by Arsenio Hall. It’s unclear if we are supposed to take her for a lady or if her low voice is a big clue that she’s not what the Africans are looking for. The character doesn’t have a name and is listed as Extremely Ugly Girl but Hall doesn’t look that ugly. Coming 2 America doesn’t look as if there will be a reprise of a drag role for Hall or Murphy. Apparently neither will be donning a fat suit and dress to portray his character’s mother as Murphy has done in subsequent films.

Rebecca’s Daughters 1992

Original Cinema Quad Poster – Movie Film Posters

The Rebeccas attacking the gentry.

In the late 1830s and ‘40s farmers in Wales were being taxed to death by the wealthy aristocrats. Several factors added to the burden that fell on the farmers and one of the most odious was the establishment of toll roads. Focused on these toll operations a group of men adopted women’s clothing as a form of disguise and attacked the toll booths. They called themselves Rebeccas, or Rebecca’s Daughters. Their leader was a man called Thomas Rees (Twm Carnabwth). He had supposedly borrowed clothes from a neighbor woman named Rebecca, hence the name. The actions against the toll roads eventually led to the Rebecca Riots. What does all this have to do with the cinema? A screenplay title Rebecca’s Daughter was originally written in 1948 by Dylan Thomas. It was not made into a film at the time but was published in book form. 44 years later the film was made. It starred Peter O’Toole as a drunken lord who crossdressed, and Paul Rhys as the man who led the Rebeccas. We couldn’t find any photos of Rhys in drag so we have to make do with a photo of O’Toole begowned.

The Wicker Man 1972

Christopher Lee in pagan priest garb.

The people of an island off the coast of Scotland contact a police sergeant telling him that a girl has gone missing and asking him to come and investigate. He flies to the island in a sea plane. After he lands and begins to question the inhabitants none of them know anything about a missing girl. As his investigations continue he, a devout Christian, is appalled to learn that the islanders have abandoned Christianity and worship pagan gods. The leader of the islanders is Lord Summerisle, played by Christopher Lee, and he happens to be their pagan priest. His ceremonial attire is lacy enough to qualify as crossdressing but his long black hair is a mess.

That’s all for this month. See you next month with more Drag in Cinema!

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Category: Media, Transgender Fun & Entertainment


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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