Donald J. Trump Wants to Cancel Your Existence
Before the gay community won the battle legalizing gay marriage the Republican Party used gay people to scare conservative voters with all sorts of ridiculous misinformation. Gay marriage would lead to beastiality as people would demand the right to marry animals. Gay marriage would somehow degrade all marriage. Or, the big whopper, all people would soon be forced to gay marry. They would say anything to keep “sinners” from having same sex unions. And that message resonated with the Bible Belt conservatives who voted for Republicans an kept them in office.
After conservatives lost that battle and gay people became assured of their right to marry who they wanted the Republican Party looked around for another group of people they could use to scare their voters. That group was us, the transgender community.
As members of that community we know that trans women only use the lady’s room because they have to relieve themselves. The Republican strategy was to say that guaranteeing people’s right to use the restroom of the gender they identify with would open the lady’s room door to perverts who would say they were trans in order to attack women and little girls. They also added a loud subtext saying trans women were just not to be trusted. They weren’t real women. They would probably try something while they were in there. While there have been zero to no cases of molestation by trans people in lady’s rooms where anti-discrimination legislation is in place the right wing press and the evangelical leaders all pushed for legislation that would allow public restroom facilities to be barred to transgender people. If you were born with male genitalia no matter how you viewed your own gender identity you could not use the lady’s room. One had to ask at that point how many new law enforcement officers would need to be hired to check everyone’s genitals at the door.
Some localities enacted their own laws assuring transgender people the right to pee where they wanted. That led to states enacting laws overturning any local ordinances protecting trans people. Now, with a midterm election just days away, the Republican Party and Donald J. Trump are looking beyond these battles and hoping to make transgender people all go away. in one fell swoop They have declared war on the whole concept of transgender identity.
On Sunday The New York Times published an article titled ‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration”about the Trump administration’s move to define people’s gender strictly according to what genitals they are born with. If they have their way and this goes into effect all trans women will be reduced to nothing but men in dresses. All trans men will become butch women, and no child will be able to obtain gender affirming treatments. This action would strip away all protections for transgender people by simply invalidating their existence. No matter what the science says or what you may feel about your gender identity this move would stop all protections for transgender individuals.
Language in a Dept. of Health and Human Services memo: “Sex means a person’s status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth.”
When he was running for office Donald J. Trump said that he would be the best friend ever for members of the LGBTQ community. He changed his tune after he took office. His evangelical vice president pushed him to do things like the transgender military ban, and urged him to have the Justice Department stop supporting trans people in court cases. All the trans positive actions of the Obama administration now became the list of things the Trump administration sought to overturn.
“The new definition would essentially eradicate federal recognition of the estimated 1.4 million Americans who have opted to recognize themselves — surgically or otherwise — as a gender other than the one they were born into.” The New York Times
Why is the administration dropping their nuclear gender bomb on our community? There’s an election in just a few days which if won by a large number of Democrats could wipe out the unopposed Republican power in congress. The congress that has enabled the administration’s anti-transgender actions. Showing Republican voters that they can send all transgender people back to their closet and deny them their civil rights by simply denying that gender identity is determined by genitalia at birth will energize those voters, and, they hope, will allow them to maintain control of all three branches of government. What can we do? As a community, no matter what your political party, we have to vote Democratic all across the country. If we do not we will be the first group of big losers in this election. Be there on November 6 to cast your vote to protect you own identity.
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Category: Transgender Opinion, Transgender Politics