Do You Like To Write? Join the TGF Contributors
Would you like to add your voice to TGForum? We’re always looking for new voices and different perspectives to present to our readers. If you like to write and have something to say to the TG community we offer you a platform. Right now we need people who can cover the following areas of the trans community:
- Someone who can review books of interest to the community.
- A music reviewer who can introduce our readers to music made by transgender artists.
- Reporters who can attend community events all over the world and send reports with photos and/or video.
- More cartoons!
- A certified therapist specializing in transgender issues.
- An attorney who can write about legal concerns of the community.
- A how-to writer who can write or provide video on how to do things like makeup, hair — or any other thing of interest to transgender people.
- A political writer who can cover politics that impact the trans community.
- Someone bold enough to approach celebs in the trans world and do interviews with them.
Think about providing those things, and if you have an idea for something I haven’t mentioned let me know what you’d like to do.
Be a Vloger
Maybe writing isn’t your thing but you can produce a video blog. We’re up for that as well. If you’re going to do a video don’t send a full size video file. Send a compressed .mp4 video file shot in landscape, not portrait orientation. (I’m going to be picky about production values of videos. Good lighting, and close miking is essential. No dimly lit rooms with hollow sound because the microphone is six feet away.)
Our goal at TGForum is to serve the transgender community with facts, opinion and entertainment. To become a part of and be one of our regular — or just occasional — contributors send me an email with a sample of your writing (or your video) on the topic you’d like to cover. Thanks!
Category: TG Forum News