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Perhaps the only other people capable of as much shameless self-promotion as Donald Trump are presidential candidates. In order to be the leader of the free world, a candidate must constantly remind the great unwashed of how smart, forward-thinking, and generally awesome they are.
Sometime before he became a presidential candidate, Rudolph Giuliani did a brief skit in drag with that other well-known New Yawkah, Donald Trump. The clip is available at youtube.com at this address . If memory serves correctly, the skit was part of a Saturday Night Live episode a few years ago.
Mr. Giuliani is at this writing the front runner for the Republican nomination, safely ahead of John McCain and the other wannabes, despite his less-than-rock-ribbed conservative views on gun control, abortion and gay rights. Rudi seems to have gotten above the typically divisive conservative agenda by sheer force of personality and his record as Mayor of New York during the 9/11 tragedy. Even a stint in drag can’t seem to stop conservative voters from liking him. I won’t even mention the idea of closet crossdressing Republicans….well maybe only with this very remark. (Smirk)
The clip is only mildly amusing but (who only wish we could be the presumptive Republican presidential nominee with drag in our backgrounds) should be impressed by the attention to detail and the oh-so-femme voice Hizzoner puts on to entice Mr. Trump. So taken is he with the coquettish mystery lady, The Donald even plants a brief kiss on the perfumed neck of Miss Giuliani. Oddly enough, Trump now gets more attention for his cantilevered hair-do than any working drag queen in New Yawk or ‘Frisco.
Great minds do think alike after all.
Category: Transgender Fun & Entertainment, Transgender Opinion