Christmas Week Means TGForum Monday Edition

| Dec 21, 2009
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xmasTwas the Sunday before Christmas and all through the site our writers were typing to get their columns just right. The stockings were hung by the HD TV with care, in hopes that we’d soon wear them and not have a care. Hold it a minute! This isn’t one of those satires of The Night Before Christmas, is it? If it is let’s just stop it right now with Happy holidays to everyone and to everyone a good day! That saves all that rhyming. Enough to wear out a drag queen’s thesaurus.

We do wish you a happy holiday and hope that you’ve gotten your shopping all done. Perhaps you managed some femme presents for yourself? Our gift to you is — once again — the fruits of our writer’s labors in the form of The TGF Monday Edition.

We start with the matchless mastery of TG links demonstrated for us once again by News Editor Ronnie Rho in her This Week In Transgenderism column. She has crawled the web and pulled on all the strands that connect to stories with TG content including: The latest on the Malaysian TS facing deportation from the U.K., a company in D.C. that’s promoting drag weddings, a report on whether things have actually gotten any better for GLBT people in the last decade, a TG beauty pageant in India and a whole lot more. All the news is right here in TWIT.

Pamela DeGroff brings us a year end list of music you might want to check out. It’s a collection of cool stuff from non-TG (but TG supportive) artists and some of Pam’s TG  favorites she has reviewed over the year. There are links to all the artist’s websites so you can order their CDs today and they might be here in time for Christmas. Don’t miss the musical gift ideas in this month’s Perpetual Change.

Rounding out today’s presentation is Michelle Moore’s TG History with Part 2 of Butcher Brown. Maybe not the most appropriate subject for the jolly holiday season, Brown is at once macabre and pathetic. The Ed Wood of transsexual surgery, Brown would do anything for a few thousand bucks. And his work was as well crafted and slick as an Ed Wood film —  without any of the redeeming unintentional humor. Film makers can be sloppy. Surgeons? Brown would invert your penis or cut off your leg if you had the cash. And the after surgery care? The patient was responsible for that. If you read Part 1 you won’t want to miss Part 2 of Butcher Brown.

And that’s it for this holiday Monday Edition of TGForum. Enjoy!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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