Chapter Nine – Life Is The Dream
I was sitting at my desk with the computer open in our little home office, combination exercise room. I had been in there for a couple of hours and was totally lost in my imagination. I had started writing a story that I had been thinking about for awhile. Amy came in to see what it was that had so much of my attention. I’m not positive that I noticed she came into the room wearing only her bra and panties. If I did notice, it was not in the forefront of my brain. Amy walked up behind my chair and asked what I was doing? I told her that I wanted to start writing again, and I needed to get this down while it was still fresh in my mind. She put her hands on her hips and and in an exaggerated tone said to me,
“Well you are neglecting your new bride.”
I laughed a little, still not noticing how little she was wearing.
“I would think my new bride would be happy to get a little time away from her new wifey.”
“Then you obviously don’t know me as well as you think you do”
She bent over my shoulder to get a better look at what I was doing.
In a puzzled tone she said to me,
“Life is the dream. Is that the title?”
“Yes but it’s just a working title, I’m not sold on it.”
Amy snickered a little. “I’m glad you’re not attached to it because that title sucks.”
I looked up at her cross eyed. “I will keep that in mind as I’m writing. You know if you’re going to be so critical you should be my editor.”
“Maybe I will, but I’ve got to warn you if I’m going to be your editor I’m going to tell you what I think”
“Baby girl I’ve never known you not to say what you think.”
Amy started to read a little further along in the story, “This girl in this story, Angie. She sounds awfully familiar, and the transgender girl Jeanette? Do I detect something here or is it just a coincidence?”
“Well even a work of fiction has some basis in reality. But trust me I’m not doing a biography, no one would believe our story anyway. Sometimes, I don’t believe it and I’m married to you.”
Then in a stern tone Amy said to me, “Seems like you have a good start to the story. How much longer do you think you will be? I have a spot reserved for you on the couch.”
“No more than another hour; I promise.”
Suddenly I saw a pair of panties fall into my lap, and they weren’t mine.
Then as Amy started to leave the room, she gave me one last comment.
“Okay, when you get ready I will be waiting on you.”
Holding up the lacy underwear, I turned to watch Amy leave the room with her ass drawing my attention. Then it occurred to me that: Indeed, I do have a good start on the story now; besides, I think I have pretty much said all that was on mind for tonight. Maybe I should go spend some time with my wife. I walked out into the living room to see Amy under a light blanket on the sofa. Sarcastically I said to her.
“I think you dropped these in the office?
She smiled back at me. “Just throw them on the floor, I don’t think they go with the rest of what I’m wearing now.”
Amy pulled back the blanket to reveal that she was completely naked.
I hurriedly got undressed and joined her under the cover. Amy moved so that she could lay up against me with her back leaning on my chest. We snuggled in together and I picked up the remote and turned on the channel guide. An old classic movie caught my eye. The movie was called, The World Of Suzie Wong, with William Holden and Nancy Kwan. I excitedly asked Amy if she had ever seen the movie. She said; no, that she had never even heard of it. So I began to tell her about the movie, with the intent to get her interested in it. She agreed, so I put the channel on and wrapped my arms around her for the duration. If you would have told me when I was in my twenties that I could lay naked with a woman and be contented without sexual intent, well I wouldn’t have believed it. However, there is something deeply fulfilling with just the closeness of two warm bodies with nothing to hide or be ashamed of. That night as we lay together, wrapped in each other, there was no need for physical expression. We were content to be together and in love.
If God would have come to me and asked what all I wanted in a woman, Amy would have been the end result. I don’t mean to infer that Amy is perfect. She is often a little pushy, overbearing, slightly jealous, and often does not understand my humor. However, on the other hand I’m not even going to list my faults.That’s another book entirely. Still no other woman has even come close to matching that missing part of my soul as she does. There is no such thing as making love. Sex is only an expression of the love that exsist already.
About two months later, Amy came home from work with a plastic drugstore bag in her hand. She looked at me and blushed. She came over to me and gave me a quick kiss, then she went into the bathroom without saying anything. I knew something was up because Amy is not typically prone to blushing and she has never walked in without at least saying “Hi baby.” I followed her into the room and saw her sitting on the toilet and opening a rectangular box. Taking out the contents, she proceeded to pee on this pink stick. Then she put the test stick down on the back of the toilet, she stood up and pulled up her panties and let her dress fall down again. She washed her hands, and looked at me and blushed a second time. “Okay, set your watch for one minute. Are you ready to be: ‘Mommy Jen’?” Cause I’m pretty sure about this. I have been throwing up, and my period is already three weeks late. I’m just doing this to make absolutely sure.”
I looked down at my watch, “Times up.”
Amy walked over to me, grabbed both my hands and then kissed me again. “I’m so nervous I’m shaking. Let’s both look at the same time.”
Suddenly I saw her smile as big as I have ever seen her smile. She threw her arms around my neck, joyfully screaming at me.
“You did it cupcake, you knocked me up! We’re going to have a baby!”
Honestly, I wasn’t sure how to react. I felt several contrasting emotions all at once. I knew that this is what she wanted. However there was also the realization that our lives were about to change, permanently. Also I was a bit relieved that I had done my part as her partner. To be able to give her something that was so important to her. Overall though, I was happy. After all, we had created a new life together. We now had a special bond that was part me and part her, yet still it’s own individual personality. I wanted to do something to mark this occasion, so I made a suggestion. “Why don’t we call Chow Ling’s and have them deliver That big number two special that comes with the soup and egg rolls?”
“Okay my baby, but I can’t promise I will be able to keep it all down. But I will try.”
Just like she said, a few minutes into dinner she was back into the bathroom with me holding her hair out of the way. Later that night as we held each other in bed, we began the task of picking out baby names. I asked if she wanted to know the sex of the baby, or did she want to be surprised at birth? Amy opted for knowing as soon as possible. She wanted to be able to start decorating the nursery and buying the appropriate clothing. I simply agreed to whatever she wanted. I was just glad to see her so elated about something. Secretly I was thinking to myself, “What nursery?”
For the next two months Amy survived on mostly saltine crackers and water. In fact things got so bad that Amy was starting to lose weight instead of gaining. We had gone to the gynecologist for our normal visit. However, when the doctor checked Amy’s charts the doctor’s mood changed completely. The gynecologist began to ask Amy about her eating habits and if she was taking any medications other than the prenatal vitamins that had been prescribed to her. Amy assured the doctor that she was doing only the things that she had recommended. The doctor prescribed Zofran, to help alleviate the morning sickness and told Amy that this was not the time to count calories. That she was free to eat pizza or anything else that she could keep down.
Next we had the appointment for the sonogram. To our relief, everything looked fine. The baby was a little small, but not drastically so. We also found out that I was to get my wish and we were going to have a girl. From that point on things got a little smoother. Amy was able to start eating again and I began to take on more of the household duties so that Amy could have as little stress as possible. I also found out something about my own personal preferences. I discovered that the more Amy began to show and get bigger, the sexier she became to me. However, Amy never got huge. She was big enough to definitely tell she was with child, but never to the point of being huge. Next came the mood swings and the tired,”Will you rub my feet?” request. Of course I was happy to do that for her. We might have been having a baby, but Amy would always be ‘my’ baby. The rest of the pregnancy went without any real problems. Then one day Amy came out of the bathroom with a serious look on her face.
“Babe, I think you had better call the doctor. My water just broke.”
My first reaction was to panic, but when I saw the calmness in her eyes and the reassurance of that smile on her face. My panic was instantly calmed to an enthusiastic concern. I already had the doctor’s number in my phone, but as to be expected all I got was the answering service. Still, twenty minutes later the doctor did call me back.
The doctor said that if all that had happened was her water breaking then we were still in the early stages, and there was no overwhelming need for excessive speed. Still he would call the intake desk for the maternity ward so that we would be expected. As Amy walked towards the sofa she looked at me and began to speak. “Cupcake, can you grab my overnight bag for me? I think I’m going to just sit here for a minute.”
Amy sat down on the couch and began to blow her breath out heavily. I asked if she was okay? She said that she was fine. Then she said something that made me stop in my tracks for just a minute. “Just think about it baby girl, we’re going to have a baby! By this time tomorrow you’re going to be holding our little Andria.”
I smiled at her and then began to focus on the task at hand; getting my beautiful girl to the hospital. I went into the bedroom to get her overnight bag and came back to the living room to help Amy up off the couch and into the car.
When we got to the hospital, I gave the nurse our names, and she told us that they were already expecting us and that Amy’s room was ready. I had filled out the paperwork weeks ago in preparation for this moment. So all we had to do was go back and get Amy into a gown and then into bed to wait for the doctor. I asked the nurse how soon the doctor would be coming. She just smiled at me. “I’m afraid you’re just going to have to make do with me for a while. The doctor won’t be here until the baby is ready to come.”
The anesthesiologist came into the room and they made me leave for a few minutes so that he could insert an epidural catheter into Amy. I came back into the room about ten minutes later. Amy was laying up in bed. They had given Amy a button to control the amount of pain killer she was receiving and they had instructed her not to use it too often. The nurse had Amy and the baby hooked up to a monitor. The nurse explained to me that they would be able to tell when Amy was having a contraction, and that they could also monitor the heartbeat of the baby to be sure everything was okay. Then she said the only thing to do now was wait. After that I spent the next eight hours serving as entertainment and distraction for my beautiful girl. I figured out how to read the line showing the intensity of the contractions, and watched as little by little through the night as they got stronger. Then the moment arrived, the nurse got up and said that she was going to call the doctor. The doctor came and examined the situation. Then he asked if we were ready to have a baby? Amy was already sweating and screaming. Then thirty minutes later, Our daughter, Andria arrived into this world. The doctor asked if I would like to cut the umbilical cord? I took the scissors and was surprised at just how tough the cord was. It really was not an easy task to cut through. Then the nurse took the baby to clean her up and the doctor busied himself with the placenta and taking care of the damage done by the birth. Then the nurse brought our baby back and gave her to my wife. I kissed Amy on the forehead and told her how special she was and just how much I loved her, and our new daughter. A few minutes later the nurse took the baby to nursery, and Amy went to sleep, exhausted, but content. It was a good day. Life is the dream.
Category: Fiction