Chapter 35 – He Proposed
I was working on Sara’s yearly evaluation when Diane called me in her office one morning and had me do something she has never done before – to close the door behind me. She looked distraught and agitated. Diane confided in me that she had recently been diagnosed with cancer and needs to take time off for her treatments and asked me to fill in for her as acting CEO until she returns. I was shocked. I didn’t know what to say. Standing there looking like I was frozen with an un-expressionist face, I tried to think of others in the company to do it, but I didn’t feel she would take no for an answer – just like my mother. I didn’t want to know the details of her cancer unless she confided in me with them.
Diane was starting to cry. I think this is the only time I’ve seen her cry before. I got up and locked the closed door, and called Donna and told her we were to have no interruptions. I told her this was a huge step and commitment for me. Diane said that she would always be a phone call or email away, and that relieved me somewhat – a small somewhat. I asked was an estimated time frame, and she said maybe four to five months; at least that is what her doctor told her. I held her hand and said I’d do my best to fill her shoes for her and do the best I can in her position.
“Savannah, dear,” Diane said. She has never called me dear before. “I am positive you can run the organization better than I can.” That put a small smile on my face, and I squeezed her hand some more.
“Will all the key managers know? Donna, Sara, and Mrs. Turner?” She thought about it for a moment, then called Donna to call Mrs. Turner up and asked her to bring Sara with her when Mrs. Turner arrived. They all arrived shortly. As they entered her office, they sensed something was wrong by looking at mine and Diane’s faces of impending doom.
Diane explained everything to them. Silence, gloom, and sadness enveloped the room. Hopes seemed to rise a tad bit when she said she’d still be available by phone and stop in when she can. She would send an email to the division and department heads saying she’d be out for a while, and all issues would come to me. I did something I had never done before. I stood up and walked over, and kissed Diane on her forehead. We all departed and left Diane to work.
I called Donna and Sara in my office and told them their responsibilities were the same. Donna would still be the executive secretary, and Sara working for me and help each other as much as possible. I told them I trusted them one hundred percent and that I’d back any decision they made, and if I wasn’t available, to seek help from the respective division managers and department heads if needed.
I further explained, “I will most likely spend most of the time in my office unless there was some executive meeting I had to do in Diane’s office.”
As for Sara’s evaluation, I hoped to get her another raise or nice perks. I headed down to talk to Mrs. Turner in HR about it, and she said she would come up with something and let me know by the end of the week after talking to accounting about it. I also told Mrs. Turner, when Diane is out to keep doing what she does best here in HR. It had been too long since we had lunch together, so we headed out nearby. She said she was proud of what I have become and all I did for the company on the way out. We decided to stop in a little local hole-in-the-wall Japanese restaurant. As we were chatting and eating, I recollected.
“You know, Mrs. Turner, I have no idea where I would be now if I didn’t transition when I did?” Neither of us had an answer. “I assume I’d be here at the company under a different name and position and wouldn’t be sitting here enjoying this lovely lunch with you. You made my transition so seamless and effortless. I’ll always be grateful to you, Mrs. Turner.”
“Savannah, you are the best thing that has happened to this company. I mean it. And I have been here for a long time. The changes and implementations you have made in the last several years have been so beneficial to the employees, customers, and our suppliers.”
“Thank you.” Mrs. Turner.
Diane wrote my annual evaluation before she left, and I too saw a raise in my salary. She said it would be increased when I ran the company during her absence. I felt so sad for her. I sent cards and flowers to her house and visited her much as I could. I called Diane often and asked if there was anything I, Donna, or Sara could do to help in any way. On occasion, I call her and ask her a question that I already knew the answer to but wanted her to feel still involved. Surprisingly, many times I called her. I was surprised that her answer was completely different than mine – and better!
Bill and I have now been together for nearly three years and were more in love than ever. We went to dinner at the Skyline Club Friday night. We talked, dined, danced. It was another usual beautiful evening with him. After our meal, Bill sat there and looked me in my eyes so lovingly with his blue eyes. Then he stood up, buttoned his jacket. Bill walked around to my chair. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small black jewelry case. My eyes opened wide as Bill knelt on one knee and presented me with a beautiful diamond engagement ring.
“Savannah Michele Thomas, will you give me the honor of your hand in marriage. It would be my privilege to spend the rest of my life with you as my bride?”
I quickly looked around, and everyone was looking at me. My eyes were wide open, and I already had one hand to my heart and the other one over my mouth. I was trying to regain my composer from hyperventilating.
“Yes! Yes! Bill Comings. I will marry you.” Everyone applauded when he slid a stunning diamond ring on my ring finger. He raised off his knee and helped me rise to my feet from my chair, and we kissed. I was shaking, blushing, and trying to catch my breath to compose myself. Before dessert came, we headed to the dance floor. I laid my head on his chest as we danced.
“Bill, can we legally do this?”
“I’ll make it happen, Savannah. I want you in my life forever. I can’t imagine a day in my life without you.” I held him tight. This time my legs were weak for change, not his. I was still hyperventilating. As we danced, I thought about a couple of the words he used in his proposal – honor, privilege, and bride. Such nice words. They all had beautiful, respectful Southern connotations to them. We walked back to our table. Truthfully, I floated five feet above the floor. After pulling my chair, Bill sat down, reached over held my hands, and say,
“Savannah, I wish to do this right. I want us to visit your Mother and Sister and formally ask them for their blessings. Then I’ll take you and introduce you to my parents.” We ordered dessert, and the waiter brought us a glass of champagne to help us celebrate.
“Mother and Gwen will be so excited!” Some staff and other club members came by to congratulate us. Will next weekend work for you to see your mother? I visited the ladies’ room to compose myself, check my makeup, and pinch myself a few more times as I stared hypnotically at my sparkling engagement ring. I stayed at Bill’s place that night.
I called Mother and Sis the next morning and had to bite my tongue not to tell them. I told them I’d be there next weekend for a short trip, and I wanted to take them both out for a nice dinner. I suggested maybe that restaurant she and Gwen took me to when I was young. They both were happy to have me visit. Mom wanted to pick me up at the airport, but I told her I’d be renting a car. And I didn’t tell them Bill was coming. Then I called Diane on her cell phone and told her. Monday morning, Donna noticed the diamond ring on my finger, and she immediately ran to fetch Sara. They both wanted to know how and where he proposed, was a date set, everything. Then I went down to tell Mrs. Turner.
I took off Thursday, Friday, and Monday. I knew Donna, Sara would handle the office as well as department heads. On the way to the airport, we stopped at the private airport. I recalled Bill said he felt like a hamburger on commercial airlines. We flew into Sebastian Cove Airport since it was the closest airport that accommodated private jets. It is located approximately fifteen miles from home. In roughly an hour and a half, we landed in Atlanta. I called Mother that I had landed, and I had a car and would be home soon. Bill rented a Cadillac. Mother was waiting for me when we pulled into the driveway. Mom came outside and was surprised to see me get out of the passenger side. I introduced her to Bill.
“It is my honor and pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Thomas. Savannah has told me so many beautiful things about you.” I thought it was so sweet of Bill to kiss Mom on her hand and cheek then hug her.
“Please come in. What a wonderful surprise, Savannah. You should have told me.” Mom brought us all some iced tea, and we gave Bill a quick tour of my childhood home. I was glad Bill saw the pink room with the canopy bed instead of my original old drab room. I knew Bill wanted to talk to Mom as soon as possible, so I excused myself to go upstairs to my room, but I eavesdropped on his conversation. They sat next to each other on the sofa.
Bill held Mother’s hand and said, “Mrs. Thomas. I love Savannah very much. Savannah is the most beautiful, intelligent, and loving woman a man could ever dream of meeting. We’ve been together for nearly three years now, and I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else but her. I wish to marry her, and I’m here to ask you for your blessing.”
I cried upstairs. Mother’s eyes opened wide, but she didn’t miss a beat, “Yes, yes, of course, you may marry my Savannah. You both have my blessing, and she hugged him.” I came down crying and showed Mother my ring. Mom choked up, and neither one of us could speak. I handed her my box of tissues.
The rest of the afternoon, Mom showed Bill an album of Sis and me. Practically of the Kenny pictures, I assumed, were somewhere else – maybe in the boxes with Kenny in the garage – if they were even still there. I cringed at some of the pictures of me at Gwen’s bachelorette party – they were pretty embarrassing. I thought Mom would be old fashioned and not let Bill sleep in my room with me, but she allowed it for some reason. He liked the bed, the room, and me in it next to him. He did not like taking baths, and since my bathroom didn’t have a showerhead, so I guided him to use the one in Gwen’s room. The following day I showed Bill, with Mom, my little town that wasn’t little anymore. We went to the Aviary for lunch. Mom and I had their signature Aviary salad, and he had a French dip sandwich. I ate about half-dozen of his tasty crisp French fries.
Gwen looked simply marvelous in her outfit when she came over that evening. She had on this cute red V-neck dress with a beautiful skirt that fell just below her knees.
“Whose car is that in the driveway?” Then she saw Bill and then my ring on my finger at almost the same time. Gwen’s eyes opened wide, and he jumped up and down, squealing, and then she hugged me. When she somewhat calmed down,
“Sis, this is Bill Comings; Bill, this is my beautiful older Sister, Gwen Jefferson.” Bill also gave her a kiss on her hand and cheek, followed by a hug as he did with Mom.
Bill turned to look at Mom, “Mrs. Thomas. You sure have two beautiful daughters. I now see where they received their beauty.”
“Thank you, Bill.” And she got up and kissed him on his cheek. We all sat down in the living room, and Gwen wanted to see my ring. We chatted for quite a while. Bill loved all these kisses. Around six-thirty, we all got in our car and headed to the restaurant. But first, Mother, Sis, and I all had to touch up our makeup from our tears and kisses, and Mom wanted pictures.
Our dinner was so much fun. And yes, we did go back to that same restaurant where Mom and Gwen took me years ago. The Thomas ladies had trout or catfish, and Bill had a ribeye. Mom and Gwen asked Bill a lot of questions; Sis kept staring at my ring. She commenced asking the obligatory when and where was the wedding questions.
“We haven’t decided yet,” I replied.
Bill broke in and turned to Gwen. “Mrs. Jefferson, I have already asked your beautiful Mother for her blessing, and I wish to ask you for your blessing as well to marry your beautiful sister Savannah .” She stood up, as did Bill. She came over to him and hugged him, and replied,
“Yes, of course, you have my blessing to marry Savannah .” Then she kissed him on his cheek. Then she kissed me on mine on her way back to her chair with tears in her eyes.
Sis and I went to the ladies’ room.
“Savannah, I am so happy for you. He’s cute, handsome, and successful.” I told Sis that I wanted her to be my Matron of Honor. She jumped up and down some more. I had to fix my powder again from her kisses on my cheeks.
Back home, everyone was ready to retire to bed. Mother and I were walking him around the house some more. Sitting there in plain sight on an antique family heirloom civil war era secretary was a picture of Mother, Father, Gwen, and a scrawny, scraggly hair young Kenny in a t-shirt, shorts, and barefooted.
“Who’s this?” Bill asked as he pointed to me in the photo. I felt my heart stop as it plummeted to the bottom of my stomach. I looked up at Mom. All Mom said was,
“That is a picture of Savannah when she was young.”
I started, “Let’s sit down. I called Sis to come downstairs to join us.” I brought the picture over to the couch.
“I’ll let Mother and Gwen tell you my story. Gwen, will you please start first?” Bill sat between them. Gwen began to how she caught me and began dressing me. Then Mother told her version. Not the same as Gwen’s, but by now, who cares. After an hour, their history of my transformation, at least through college, was complete. I didn’t know what Bill would say or do.
Bill got up from sitting between Mom and Gwen, came over to me, sat down next to me, held my hand, and looked at Mother and Gwen. “Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Jefferson, I am so honored and thankful to both of you for bringing this beautiful and loving lady into my heart. I knew she had a past. I now fully understand and see where she received all her loving and supporting qualities. Savannah now shares that same love and support with me that you two shared with her every day. From the bottom of my heart, I am sincerely indebted and grateful to both of you. If it wasn’t for you two, I might never have been given the honor and privilege of meeting Savannah. I will always love her.” Bill kissed all of us on our foreheads. All of us girls cried. Mother was happy, Gwen was delighted, and I was elated.
Sis spent the night since we were leaving the next day. In my bedroom, Bill told me what he said was true. And that he’d never mention that part of my life again. But he was happy he learned about it.
Mom’s made her special waffles and eggs for breakfast.
The following Thursday, Bill and I flew to Charleston, South Carolina, to meet Bill’s family. They were much more rooted in rich Southern tradition; therefore, Bill couldn’t sleep with me in my room. My room had this amazing bed. It must have been over three feet off the floor because I had to jump to get on it, plus huge down pillows and comforters. I loved and admired all the Southern traditions, rich history, and etiquette protocols of Charleston. It reminded me of home. I thought to myself that here is where Bill was raised and groomed as a Southern Gentleman. Bill’s parents, Ellen and Ted, took us out to dinner. Bill told them he already had the blessings of my mother and older sister. Ellen spoke to me the most – asking about my family, where I was raised, and my work.
On our return to Chicago, Bill was swamped with cases and was home late a lot. He had an excellent winning record, and public prosecutors still feared to see him in court. Soon his cases load somehow finally settled down so when could come home for dinner each almost night. We were still ballroom dancing and loved it. To date, we were accepted by two of the four ballroom dance clubs and on a waiting list for the latter. They were fun and glamorous — tuxedos for the men and beautiful long flowing gowns for the ladies.
Mom kept pestering me for the wedding date. On Wednesday evening, Bill came home with some work and legal papers to read. This was no surprise for me since he did it almost every night after dinner in his office or a recliner in the living room. After breakfast, he left one on this kitchen table after he kissed me goodbye and started walking out the door to his car. “Bill, you forgot this one.”
He turned and looked at me with a smile and said, “Read it.”
The title read, ‘petition for marriage license granted — William Stanford Comings and Savannah Michele Thomas.’ My eyes lit open larger than a child in an ice cream parlor, and I screamed and began jumping up and down in excitement.
“But how did you do this?” Then it dawned on me that probably Bill files so many requests, papers, petitions, summons, and motions, all types of legal stuff, at the county clerk’s office and that all get passed, and this one was one of them.
“I said I would make it work, Savannah. I found two small loopholes in the law. It’s legal, and I can’t wait to make you my bride. Let’s set a date. Dinner at the club tonight to celebrate?”
“Yes, yes, and yes!” I hiked up my wool skirt to my waist and jumped on him like he was a tree trunk wrapping my legs around his waist and started kissing him.
“Careful, this is a pretty compromising position for you.” I smiled, kissed him some more, and I said,
“I’m okay with this position.”
“What about your caseload? Don’t you have some work tonight?”
“I’ve hired two new attorneys. They’re not partners yet. They were at the conference and wanted to work with me. I don’t think you met them. They both have the tenacity I like. We’ll have them and their wives over for dinner one night.” Bill also knows I hate making decisions when I don’t have to.
“Wear that little black dress I love. We’ll leave at 7.”
Over dinner, we talked about dates and honeymoon locations. We decided our wedding would be somewhere around early June. Bill mentioned the Sandals Montego Bay for a honeymoon. What a dream location.
“I have another surprise for you, Savannah, but you have to wait for a while for it.” I hate it when he teases me like that.
I said, “Bill, I don’t know if my Mom can’t afford such an elaborate wedding. I am pretty sure Father left her fairly well off, but I’m sure Gwen’s wedding wasn’t cheap. Bill held my hand, tell her not to worry about the cost of the wedding.”
I’ll fly her and your sister up here, and you two can look for a dress and whatever else you need.” There was no dancing at the club on Wednesday evenings. So we chatted.
“How did I get go blessed. I love you so much, Bill Comings.”
I went to bed, and Bill still had a couple of papers to read. I think I heard him come to bed. It was maybe one-thirty in the morning. Bill woke me.
“Is something wrong, Bill?” I asked. He moved my hand and was rock hard. I smiled and reached over to the end table to find lube. I opened the condom and lubed us both.
He pulled off my nightgown up over my head and rolled me on my back. He lifted my legs and slid into me. “Bill, you are so hard.” I gasped. I never remembered him being so big. Bill lifted me. I wrapped my legs around him like this morning in the kitchen. He carried me over to the wall and leaned my back against it. He must have pounded me for what seemed 10-minutes up again the wall as I held onto his neck with my arms wrapped around his neck and my head on his right shoulder. His penis massaged my prostate, causing me to an organism as my boney spine ground into the plasterboard.
“Oh, oh, oh, then several grunts and primeval groans. You get more beautiful, hotter, and more desirable every single day.”
“I love how you love me, Bill. Please never stop.” I didn’t bother to put my gown back on. We both slept soundly.
Before we fell asleep, I told Bill to wake me anytime he wants. That put a massive smile on his face. I kissed him on his cheek and fell asleep.
I was tired the next morning from our middle of the night encounter. The following Wednesday, a big FedEx package came to my office. The package was from Mother. It was a gigantic box – over three feet long – maybe a bit longer, a tad over two and one-half feet wide and about a foot and a half tall. I opened the box on my small conference table in my office. It was Mother’s wedding dress. The note said. ‘Savannah, try it on, and let me know what you think. See your Friday. Love, Mother.’ I showed it to Donna and Sara. They wanted me to try in on, but I said I’d wait until I got home.
At home, the only time I ever took off my clothes that fast was for Bill. Only wearing my bra, panties, and half-slip, I stepped into it, slid the sleeves up over my shoulders. I couldn’t fasten the back entirely by myself. I turned in the mirror and loved it. I saw many photos of my mother wearing the dress when she got married father on the fireplace’s mantle. I had visions of Mother wearing it. I carefully took it off and gently laid it across the bed in the spare bedroom.
I immediately called Mom and left her a voicemail. “Your wedding dress is so stunning. Besides you, Mom, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I hope I’ll look half as beautiful wearing it as you did when you married Father.”
I was glad to see Mom when she arrived. I told her Bill would like to get married here in Chicago. She and Gwen could have my place, although I’d be with them a lot.
Mother helped me into her wedding dress. It fits! It fits! It fits! Only the waist and the hem may need to be adjusted depending on the height of the high heels I wanted to wear.
“Mom, this is your wedding present to me. I don’t need anything else.” Mother asked me who I wanted to give my hand away. I had no clue. I pondered on it for several days. One afternoon I blurred out after coming home from work.
“Dr. Franklin! Mom,” I think I’d like to ask Dr. Franklin to give me away. I’ve always admired him, and he’s always treated all of us so graciously. I know he and Father were such good friends. Mom simply nodded her head with approval. Then said,
“Perfect choice, Savannah .”
That night I pulled out my stationary and handwrote Dr. Franklin a letter. I said, knowing he and his father were such close friends that I will be honored and blessed if he could arrange to come to Chicago and give my hand in marriage to Bill.
About ten days later, I received a beautifully handwritten letter from Alfred Samuel Franklin, D.M.D. I opened it and started to read it.
‘Savannah, it is with my utmost and greatest pride it would be my honor and privilege to escort you down the aisle and graciously present your hand in marriage to Mr. Comings. Your father and I have known each other for well over forty years, and I miss and think dearly of him each day. I am deeply humbled to accept your invitation as an honor to you, your Sister, your Mother, and your Father.’
“Mother, Mom! Come look.” I handed her the letter, and she cried as she read it.
“He is such a wonderful and sincere Southern Gentleman, Savannah. You couldn’t have chosen anyone better.” Mother was so welted up she had to sit down. I sat next to her and held her hand as I reached for a box of tissues.
“Father is smiling down from heaven. Mother said.” I lost it when she said that. After composing myself, I wrote Dr. Franklin back graciously, thanking him and for his kind and gracious words about my mother’s husband and mine and Gwen’s Father.
I showed the letter to Bill when he came home. He held my face in his big hands and kissed away all my tears.
Bill insisted the wedding dinner and reception were going to be at the Skyline Club. Mother and I and worked on the invitations and everything. He also gave me the name at the club I should contact. We kept Bill’s Mother in the decision-making process.
Work for me was great. Bill’s practice was so busy that he had to take on even more attorneys. Mom had returned home to the Peach State.
Next: One more wedding
Category: Fiction