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Changes Today At TGForum

| Feb 1, 2007
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JoAnn Roberts

First, I want to thank all of you who have remained loyal to TGForum over the past two years. I know it has been difficult with all the problems we’ve had. We’ve had DOS attacks on our main server and we’ve had SPAM attacks on our mail system. Alaina, our Systems Admin, has assured me that the mail issues are over and your TGForum email accounts are once again useful. If you have any trouble please contact me or Alaina directly.

The first bit of big news is the resignation and retirement of Cindy Martin as Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of TGForum. Life is funny in that it often comes at you in a completely different direction and Cindy has decided that other things in her life require her attention more than TGF. I completely understand that and wish Cindy all the best. We’re thankful for the 12 years she put into TGF.

As a result of Cindy’s retirement I have acquired all the assets of 3-D Communications, Inc., which owns and operates TGForum. TGForum will become part of my business (CDS) that publishes LadyLike magazine. (More on that a bit later.) I am now the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of TGForum. (If you’ve been paying attention you will have noticed that the page footer changed on Monday.)

Effective immediately, Angela Gardner, Editor of LadyLike magazine, is also Managing Editor of TGForum. Both Angela and I are committed to reviving TGF. To that end I would like to introduce to you two new writers (if you read LadyLike you already know them):

Dina Amberle: Dina writes a great column for LadyLike called “Dina’s Diner”. She’ll be bringing that same wit to TGForum. Dina has written in the past for Renaissance News & Views as well as the Transgender Community News.
Vicky Vogue: Vicky is a DQ from Buffalo New York and writes the Current Queen column for LadyLike. Visit Vicky’s site to find out more about her, but I’ll tell you now she’s been Empress of the Imperial Court of Buffalo twice. That ain’t no baloney! Vicky’s input will be a dishy astrology column called Ho-Ah-Scope.
Both Dina’s and Vicky’s posts here will be fresh, new material and not a repeat or rehash of anything they write in LadyLike.

Allison Daniels and Ronnie Rho will continue their blogging. Angela will be working on developing a weekly news feed. Kyra Kelly has promised more Lexy Tranner cartoons and we are adding something extra-spicy for a change. Check out the beginning of “The Game” starting today. This is an exciting and sexually explicit erotic fantasy which will be exclusive to TGF.

We are looking for Beauty, Medical and Therapy advice columnists to come in at least once per quarter. We’re looking for input from you, our readers, on events that you attend around the country. We hope to start a nightclub review column as well. Once each quarter we will try to host a special chat session with someone of interest in the community. I will likely be the first subject and we’ll let you know when that gets scheduled. Angela will also scour our library of over 10,000 articles to bring you the Best of TGForum, articles that we feel are timeless and should be required reading for our newest subscribers.

I mentioned above that TGF will become part of CDS and LadyLike. I had been developing a separate website for LadyLike subscribers. It’s over here if you’re interested. A lot of the things Angela and I had planned for that site will now be posted here at TGF. For example, we often have more photos of the LadyLike Profile girls than we can print in the magazine, or maybe they’re a bit too risque for Borders or Barnes & Noble. We’ll put those extra photos here, along with any extra text we might have. I will be posting PDFs of sold-out back issues of LadyLike which you can download for free, but only if you are a subscriber to TGForum.

I hate to do this but I am going to raise the subscription rate for TGF to $US42 for US subscribers. Over the past year we spent a lot of money on new hardware and software development to keep TGF up and stable. We need to repay some of that investment. But wait! Before you groan too loudly about a price increase, starting March 1st, you will have the option of choosing online access to TGF only, or you can have access to TGF and a subscription to LadyLike magazine in print for that same $US42. Of course, if you live outside the US and you choose both TGF and LadyLike, the total cost will be determined by where you live. For Canada, the cost for both will be $54. For everywhere else it will be $64. That’s Air Mail delivery of the magazine outside the US.

If you already subscribe to both TGF and LadyLike, you’ll get an extension of whichever is about to expire first. Contact me directly and I’ll figure out what’s what.

Well, now it’s your turn. This is what I have planned for TGForum. Let me know what you think. Tell us what you liked and disliked about the old TGForum. Let us hear your suggestions for new material and/or new features. I may not be able to respond to you all but I promise every serious suggestion will be read and considered.

Finally, I put up a photo that’s more recent than the one I used previously. It’s a bitch getting older. I was in my early 40’s when that last photo was taken. I’ll be 60 next year so I thought you should know what I look like now. Not bad even if I say so myself.

Stay frosty!
JoAnn Roberts

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Category: All TGForum Posts


About the Author ()

I am a writer, editor and educator. I was one of the 5 founders of the Renaissance Transgender Education Assoc., and have served on the boards of IFGE and AEGIS. I've published several books on CD/TS/TG subjects. My how-to books are available at the CDS Bookstand ( I am most proud of "Coping With Crossdressing: Tools and Strategies for Couples in Committed Relationships". I was an early TG political activist and one of the co-founders of GenderPAC. I wrote and published a Bill of Gender Rights in December 1990. I've appeared on several television shows and in the movie "All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go". I published "LadyLike" magazine for 18 years, as well as "EnFemme" magazine and "International TranScript". (JoAnn passed away in June of 2013.)

Comments (2)

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  1. says:

    I love the idea of a double subscription. I do have a question though. Can you start a subscription for one and then later “upgrade” to both? I’ll be renewing in late March/early April but I don’t have a mailing address to send the magazine to yet.


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