Blast from the Past
Folks, Grad school killed me again this month, so here I present a re-run from LONG ago–from my earliest days. I’ll have new next week I swear.
“Questions” Originally Posted 08/02/10
I was out Saturday night.
As I was driving from Amanda’s to the motel, I started asking questions of myself. Let’s face it- I was dressed head to toe as a woman- that WILL spur thought and some soul searching!
When did I become comfortable wearing a skirt? Like second nature comfortable?
When did I stop being fascinated by looking down and seeing I have breasts (when dressed) and see it as perfectly normal??
When did Sophie become critical to my life?
When did “oh my God I’m out in public dressed as a woman!” become “Ok, I’m dressed- where can I go that’s safe-ish?”
When did I suddenly own more heels than guy shoes?
When did losing weight become a “dress size” thing instead of a “health” thing?
When did lying to my wife about my whereabouts become so much easier? (but still hurt just as much)
Why do I want to keep doing this so badly?
Category: Transgender Body & Soul