breast forrms

Banning Boob Sweat

| Jul 9, 2012
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For many crossdressers the feminine illusion is enhanced when we have enough natural tissue in our breast region that we can pushed up to create cleavage. (Nothing will take a man’s attention away from any masculine traits evident in your face faster than a deep decolletage.) Having the “girls” peek out of our dress is also good for our sense of femininity. Even the illusion of breasts is validating.

Sadly, while the pushup process works fairly well in cold weather, once the summer heat and humidity arrive our dreaded foe — breast sweat — pours out of our pores. Breast sweat makes it hard to keep things pushed up since it undermines our engineering by making our skin slippery — and without friction to hold things where they are supposed to be gravity takes over and cleavage sags.

I learned of this horrible phenomenon  when I went out for the first time on a hot, humid day. The breasts that had looked so good peeking out of my sundress in my air conditioned boudoir deflated faster than a tire going over a spike strip. My confidence disappeared and I spent too much time concentrating on adjusting my chest to have any fun. What a buzz kill.

So what to do about it?

The ways I have dealt with breast sweat in the past are somewhat time consuming and require several steps. First the breast area has to be washed and dried. Then a sealer has to be applied. This is a compound that coats the skin so the adhesive doesn’t irritate it. Tens Clean-Cote or Brava Skin Barrier are the most often used. These are products that protect skin when adhesive is used to attach prosthetics or ostomy appliances.

After the skin has been coated you can apply medical adhesive to the breast and to your breastform. Attach the forms so they hang on your body as breasts would do without the support of a bra. Then put on your pushup bra and your chest is ready for the public.

As I said, that process is time consuming and the adhesive needs to be removed with a special remover. You also have to experiment to get the correct placement of your breast forms so the result you want, attractive cleavage, is all that is showing. You don’t want breastform to be visible. (Nothing is more annoying than getting them glued on and then finding out they’re in the wrong position.)

If you’re going to be dressing for several days in a row, as you might for a vacation en femme or a conference, then gluing your breasts on is a good idea. Having them ready to go means you will spend less time in the morning preparing your chest. If you get the skin sealer and adhesive on correctly you can bath and sleep with your chest feminized for the duration.

Recently I have begun casting about for simpler solutions to the breast sweat problem. I have found a couple that may work for us but so far I haven’t given them a trial.

Fortunately for crossdressers women suffer from boob sweat, too. Some of the products that are marketed to them don’t work for us since they are made to go with real breasts. The Girlease bra liner won’t work for us since the absorptive surface would go on the outside of our breastform, which doesn’t sweat.

Something that might work is the BraMates absorbent bra liner. These individual pads can be places between your chest and the breastform. They are chemical free and all-natural. They are made to be slip resistant and act as a moisture barrier. They’re available online from BraMates. They are made for women so they are meant to stop sweat problems under the breasts. CDs using them will probably need to experiment with placement.

Now the fun stuff. A product named Fresh Breasts. It’s a breast anti-perspirant and once again it’s all-natural and scent free. If it works the $14.99 a bottle price point will not be bad.

The company, So Fresh, So Dry, also makes a product for men called Fresh Balls. As the name implies it is a perspiration stopper for your genitals. Applying Fresh Balls before you tuck might possibly be a good idea. The male groin area does sweat more than a woman’s and if the perspiration can be curbed your comfort level will rise.

I’ve discussed stopping boob sweat while you use silicone enhancers and breastforms. The bounce is better with those but you can use some of the foam, clothe covered forms that will tend to stay in the right place more than the slick surface of a silicone form. Putting your forms into clothe covers will also help keep them from moving on a sweaty chest. Linda Jensen has mentioned using a series of folded paper towels between her forms and her body. She ducks into the restroom and changes them whenever they get too damp. Whatever you decide on to keep your breasts dry and your cleavage high we hope you stay cool this summer and look hot. Feel free to add your remedy for boob sweat to the comments.

  • Yum

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Category: Transgender How To


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

Comments (6)

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  1. Nora Gates says:

    What are the little black dots on my breast? I see many little black dots on my breast, I have read many articles related to breast pores but still, I have a little bit daubt about that is that really pores or anything else. You have shared really valuable content. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Natasha says:

    When I breastfeed my baby, milk flows out of my nipples through a little spot on my breast. Is that breasts pores if yes then blocked pore or duct? You have shared really helpful information. Thanks for sharing.

  3. scalesman scalesman says:

    When I get a dress, blouse or jacket that has shoulder pads I always remove the shoulder pads. I do not need larger shoulders.
    Rather than throw them out, however, I will place a shoulder pad under a form. It is absorbant and if it needs to be tossed it is already destined for the trash. Of course, it will not work with glue, it is merely to help absorb sweat. It also gives a bit of extra breast bulk and they are often close to the correct shape.

  4. kimberly ann kimberly ann says:

    I found that my antiperspirent helps quite a bit when applied to my breasts when I do my underarms. This is good because I don’t always want to use adhesive with my forms.

    • angela_g angela_g says:

      Hi Kimberly Ann. I rubbed Mitchum antiperspirant all over them and it held the sweat off for about an hour of so but later it got uncomfortable and then my cleavage ended up drooping anyway. I have to get some of the Fresh Breast stuff and see if it works.

breast forrms