Ask Mistress Samantha
My story is a little strange, but with your level of expertise I’m hoping you can point me in the right direction. I own several well known fast food restaurants in the state of Michigan. Although I’m still married, we’re legally separated. She’s moved on with her life, and has a boyfriend she’s madly in love with. Although she would like to marry this guy, she’s well aware of the fact that she has a lot to lose financially if she does, so she refuses to divorce me. I still pay all her bills, and she has $10,000.00 a month to spend as she wishes. I am an aggressive, hard working, control freak that likes to micromanage everything. None of my family, friends, or employees has ever seen me with a date, let alone a girlfriend. I’m sure people talk about me behind my back, wondering why I’m always alone, miserable, and short tempered. Well Mistress Samantha, there’s a reason for my behavior, and I’m sure people would be shocked to know my little secret.
You see, I’m not what I appear to be, on any level whatsoever! I really want to sell all of my restaurants and become someone’s wife, and mother to his children. I dream of being a regular “soccer mom” and all that goes along with it. Cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry, errands, helping the kids with their homework, etc. I think you get the picture! I want to be a leggy blonde, a sexy, classy, yet submissive wife of a burley, strong, hulk of a man! I want the gender reassignment surgery, so my “mountain man” will crave my body every night, and forcefully take me! I want him to own me, and force me to support him, his kids, and anything else his heart desires. I’ve wanted this for so many years, however, I’ve had to suppress my dream because of my current situation with my wife, and my well known, and respected status in Michigan. Mistress, I’m trapped, how can I make this happen without tarnishing my reputation, embarrassing my family, and risking my financial future?
Jack O.
Asheville, NC.
Dear Jack:
I know that you’re really unhappy right now, however, the only one that can change your current situation is you! First of all, hire a powerful divorce attorney that will be sure to get you a fair and equitable property settlement. Liquidate all your assets, find the best plastic surgeon available, have the gender reassignment surgery, and move on with your life! It’s not that difficult to figure out sissy. Once your transformation is complete, find your “macho man,” get married, become the wife and mother you always dreamed about, and the rest, as they say, will be history. I know you think,”easier said then done,” but not really. It depends on how much you want it, and how far you’ll go to get it. Of course, the counseling you’ll receive before the gender reassignment surgery takes place will give you a whole new perspective on the situation. I’m sure the psychologist will teach you how to overcome all the challenges that you’ll encounter during this radical change. Stop dreaming about a “Betty Crocker lifestyle!” Don’t worry about what other people think, remember, this is your life, and you are entitled to live it as you see fit. You need courage to initiate change, so put on your big girl panties, snap your garters, and get going slut! Take care, I wish you the very best!
Until next time, blessings, good health, great sex, and happy New Year!
About Mistress Samantha:
Samantha is a Lifestyle Mistress who has been actively involved in the Transgender/Crossdressing Community for almost twenty years. She started a successful Adult Phone Service over eighteen years ago. Since then, she’s personally advised, guided and fantasized with literally thousands of members of the Crossdressing, Transsexual, and Sissy Communities. Additionally, she’s a well known Advice Columnist for Transformation Magazine, and Forced Womanhood Magazine. She’s also written for several magazines that are no longer in print, such as Enslaved Sissies And Maids, Bizarre Magazine, Screw Magazine, and She-Male International. If you would like to reach Mistress Samantha you can call her directly at: 954-757-0345.
Great News!
Mistress Samantha is now accepting new clients for fantasy phone calls, consultations, lifestyle advice, makeup and wardrobe tips, sissy and slave training, forced feminization, and girl talk. Call her now 954-757-0345. Call now and inquire about her full line of products and services, including etiquette, modeling, and beauty school. 954-757-0345. Call anytime, and feel free to leave a message for Head Mistress Samantha. She will glad to call you back as soon as possible. 954-757-0345. Must be 21.
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