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Another Monday, Another New Edition of TGF

| Oct 13, 2008
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Monday Edition HeaderHi Everyone! I hope we are all doing well and have not lost all of our money in the erratic stock market? Since I have no savings or investments, being a dedicated “starving artist” it’s not bothering me too much. No doubt they’ll get it all sorted out soon and we can go back to buying large amounts of makeup, clothing, and accessories on credit. Cavalrymen yell “charge!”—I yell “charge it!”

But that’s not why you logged in. You want to read this Monday’s edition of TGF. Today we have a full slate of articles, blogs and stories. First up for you edification and amusement is a report from Southern Comfort by Miss Ronnie Rho. At least we think it was written by Ronnie. When you read the text you’ll learn of it’s mysterious origin.

Next this week is TWIT Notes, assembled by the same Miss Rho; so she was found and returned to her Cincinnati home. She’s dug up all the news you’d every want that features TGs, and some that you would probably rather not hear, but it’s darned important that you keep up on these things so we include the bad news along with the good. And, she proves that you can actually assemble TWIT with only an hour’s worth of real sleep in a full week. Get some rest Ronnie! It’s good to have you back.

Dr. Maureen Osborne is back, too, along with her column, Checking in With Dr. Osbo’s Bridge Club. This week she talks about the Standards of Care for transsexuals. If you’re one of those who love the Standards or one who condemns them as gate keeping you should give her column a read for the therapist’s perspective.

Kalina Isato, our Ninja Beauty expert is back with a Ninja Beauty Secrets column on how to pick clothing that will actually fit you — without trying it on in the store. How can you do it? Miss Isato has the technique and she imparts it to you in this column so that you can become a Ninja beauty practioner, too. And, as always, there are some sexy pictures of Kalina included.

Join us now (cue the organ music) for the continuing story of Theresa. Last month Terri went to a party and ran into an old associate from her school days — when she was a boy. Will the old acquaintance blow her cover and tell her new best friend and the fella she’s interested in all about how she used to be a guy? And technically is still a guy? Will they care? The only way to find out what happens next is right here in TGF and Theresa Part 30.

I remind you again of the Sarah Palin Halloween Costume Challenge. Send me your photo dressed as Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin, preferably out and about at a party, and we’ll put them all together for the Sarah Palin Halloween Pictorial in early November. (Fortunately she’s prettier than Dick Cheney.)

A few months back we ran a review of a mystery book from Turkey that features a TG detective. If you missed the review of The Prophet Murders it’s still there, like all of TGF’s content, so you can check it out by clicking the link.

That’s what we’ve got for this week my little kittens. Curl up close to your computer screen and dive into this week’s edition of TGF!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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