5th Annual Texas Transgender Nondiscrimination Summit

| Mar 4, 2013
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Texas Universities face new challenges in regard to pluralism and the respect of diversity in its many forms among faculty, student, staff, and the communities wherein they reside. Oftentimes a strategic approach that utilizes the grassroots power of the members of these institutions in collaboration with leaders at high administrative levels yields the most positive results in transitioning such entities towards being more open to all. The Texas Transgender Nondiscrimination Summit is a grassroots effort to look at strategic approaches to the issues of social justice and policy implementation as regards the concepts of gender identity and gender expression. The Texas Transgender Nondiscrimination Summit invites interested parties in higher education to discuss what works and what does not work in regards to codifying inclusion of “gender identity and expression” into institutional policy. The summit serves to find means to this end through discussion of divergent and respective strategies in regard to the inevitable barriers that always arise. They envision this summit not as a protest, demonstration, or rally, but as an opportunity to discuss strategic approaches towards social justice issues related to policy inclusive statements.

The 5th Annual Texas Transgender Nondiscrimination Summit will be July 19-20, 2013 at the University of Houston in the Roy Cullen building. Everyone is encouraged to spread the word and invite others to attend. The planning comittee has been working hard on this project and it always gets better each year. They will be offering free CEU’s to LBSW, LMSW, LCSW, LPC, LMFT with some ethics components.

Email for up to date info.

The Summit is now accepting proposals for workshops for our 5th Annual Texas Transgender Nondiscriminatoin Summit. If you want to submit a proposal please contact them.

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