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Twit Awards for the Week of July 11,2022

| Jul 11, 2022
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Dave Chappelle

Dave Chappelle released a new show on Netflix. The new special is primarily about the reaction to his previous special, particularly the anti-transgender portions of it. In other words, he has become the story. Of course, he does not apologize, nor admit that he was wrong. He claims that people are all upset about “jokes,” and says that other comedians can’t do as well as he does. For an abundance of ego, Dave Chappelle gets a Twit Award. For giving him a platform to show off his oversized ego, Netflix shares in that Twit Award. Newsweek has this story.

he New York Times agreed to print an editorial by their former book editor Pamela Paul, and the title is, “The Far Right and Far Left Agree on One Thing: Women Don’t Count.” The problem with the “far left,” according to Ms. Paul, is that they feel that trans men can get pregnant and need access to abortion facilities. For allowing an editorial which echoes the editorial stance of Fox News, The New York Times gets a Twit Award. This story comes from them.


Deadnaming is a violation of Twitter’s terms of service. Jordan Peterson got suspended from the platform in part because he deadnamed Elliot Page. A number of Jordan Peterson’s followers also deadnamed and misgendered Elliot Page. So many people deliberately deadnamed and misgendered Elliot Page that the deadname actually trended on the platform. Several of them had their accounts suspended, but those accounts have been restored. For unspeakable rudeness and for acting as if they have some divine right to make up their own rules, those followers of Jordan Peterson get a Twit Award. This story comes from them.

An article in The Gospel Coalition gloats over a transgender teen who was talked into de-transitioning. One of the biggest reasons for de-transitioning is group pressure, like what was on display here. They talk about transgender “ideology” as a “cult.” Cults tell their members how to think, just as these people told this transgender teen what to think about her gender. For ignoring the science, for behaving like the cult they say their opponents are, and for projection, The Gospel Coalition and the church they are talking about get a Twit Award.

  • Yum

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Category: Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

Every week Cecilia Barzyk diligently scans the internet to assemble as much trans-related information from the weekly news as possible.

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