Twit Awards for the Week 5/15/23
Kettering Fairmont High School in Kettering, Ohio, selected as their prom king and queen a couple of students who are transgender or non-binary. Since then, the school has received threats from people who are not part of the student body or administration of the school or the school district. For attempting to impose their rules on others, these outsiders threatening the school or the prom get a Twit Award. LGBTQ Nation has this story.
The Church at Ponce and Highland in Atlanta put the message, “God Loves Trans Kids,” on its sign board outside the church. The message was altered to read, “Pedos love trans kids.” Since this was done with spray paint, the church has to pay for repairs. For failing to get the message that God loves everyone, and for creating a problem on the property of others, whoever did this gets a Twit Award. (Whoever did this also is making their own side look bad.) This story comes from The Advocate.
An employee at a Publix store in Florida refused to write the word “Trans” in icing on a cake. According to this employee, “Trans” is a “political statement,” and they do not allow political statements on their cakes. The chain says that their employee misunderstood the policy. While we can’t be sure who deserves a Twit Award here, the situation certainly deserves one. the Advocate has this story.
In a post to a blog called Answers In Genesis, Ken Ham declared that people should not use “transgendered pronouns,” saying that that is “participating in the lie that sex/gender is on a spectrum.” First off, “transgender” is an adjective, not a verb. “Transgendered” is not a word. Secondly, this limits God to understanding what you understand and read into His word. Moreover, Mr. Ham’s way around this is to not use any pronouns, even though that makes awkward sentences. For insisting that his flawed, unscientific understanding is the basis for all knowledge, Ken Ham gets a Twit Award. This story comes from PinkNews.
Kelly Craft is a Republican who is running for Governor of Kentucky. She announced that, if she is elected, “we will not have transgenders in our school system.” First off, the word “transgender” is an adjective, not a noun. The fact that she does not refer to us as “transgender people” should be disturbing to her supporters, as they should be wondering who else is being denied their humanity. Secondly, the only way to not have any transgender people in the school is to expel them, and that is not a viable option. So obviously, she is really saying that transgender people will not be allowed to be open about their gender identity. For the use of loaded language which is unbecoming a former diplomat, and for promising more than can be delivered Kelly Craft gets a Twit Award. The Associated Press has this story.
Marjorie Taylor Greene described Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as “never bright enough,” because she used gender-neutral language in talking of “birthing people,” rather than “mothers” or “pregnant women.” Representative Greene also claimed that Ms. Walensky said that “vaccinated people don’t carry the Covid-19 virus,” which is not what she said. (She did say, “Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people that carry the virus, don’t get sick,” but that states that they do carry the virus.) For misquoting and for finding concern for others to be a negative, Marjorie Taylor Greene gets a Twit Award. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.
Category: Transgender Opinion