Twit Awards for the Week 10/24/22
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have introduced their national “Don’t Say Gay” bill. The bill comes at a point in time when it cannot be voted on until after the midterm elections, after which it will certainly not be a priority. The bill is filled with misinformation and bad policy based on prejudice. It has 30 co-sponsors. For promoting hatred of others, and for not doing due diligence in research, the Republicans behind this legislation get a Twit Award. The Advocate has this story.
A headline at Fox News proclaims, “Biden administration funds studies on danger of transgender hormonal treatments even as it pushes them on kids.” The subhead reads, “Many adverse effects are being investigated, and much is unknown about the potential consequences.” For presuming the result before the investigation begins, and for presuming the “unknown” is already known, Fox News gets a Twit Award.
We mentioned in the news that John Oliver did a segment on transgender youth on Last Week Tonight. As you might expect, some conservatives criticized him for the report. City Journal and Fansided use old studies, which the writers misinterpret, and cite bad “experts.” For holding to what their prejudices say, while rejecting good science because they don’t like the results, the people criticizing John Oliver and Jon Stewart because of the conclusion of their pieces get a Twit Award.
Valerie Kloosterman, a physician assistant, is suing the University of Michigan’s healthcare system because the system will not allow her to deliberately misgender transgender patients. She claims that this is a violation of her religious liberty. Oddly, the Gospels record exactly zero times when Jesus verbally attacked people for their gender identity or sexual orientation. The Gospels do record Jesus speaking out against people who use their religion to pretend that they are better than others. For complaining for not being allowed to behave in a way which Jesus said was wrong, and for reading her prejudices into the Gospels, Valerie Kloosterman gets a Twit Award. LGBTQ Nation has this story.
Ulta Beauty featured transgender TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney in their The Beauty Of. . . podcast. As you can imagine, they got an earful from the usual suspects. For complaining that featuring a transgender woman in a podcast “erases” cisgender women, when in fact they themselves are trying hard to erase transgender women, the complainers get a Twit Award. This story comes from them.
With all that is going on these days, Republicans in Idaho have introduced a bill to ban drag performances. For mixed-up priorities, and for taking a poor argument far past the point where it makes any sense, the sponsors and co-sponsors of this bill get a Twit Award. The Advocate has this story.
Ted Cruz tweeted a link to a story about a transgender teacher who was taking a leave from teaching pre-school because he is pregnant. With the subtlety of a factory whistle, Ted laid into the story without bothering to check to see that it was fiction, not fact. Rather than apologize or admit his mistake, he used the revelation that the story is fiction as an excuse to attack more. For getting swallowed up by fake news, and for reacting as if his mistake proves he was right all along, Senator Ted Cruz gets a Twit Award. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.
At a political debate Marjorie Taylor Greene was asked about her support for the people who rioted at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. She responded by changing the subject to transgender children. For failing to answer the question that was asked, and for turning it to a fact-free attack on a vulnerable group whom she opposes, Marjorie Taylor-Greene gets a Twit Award. LGBTQ Nation has this story.
Lauren Boebert made up some figures about the the amount of money paid for transgender surgeries in the U.S. She claimed that “the left” supports transgender people for the money. While she provided a source for her figures, her source did not contain the figures she quoted. Nonetheless, she used this to advance her usual hyperbole, calling transgender people “butchered children”, oblivious to the fact that surgery is rarely performed on anyone under the age of 18 and the fact that extensive gatekeeping is done regardless of the age. For making up facts to suit the opinion she already formed, and for not caring that she misinforms her followers, Lauren Boebert gets a Twit Award. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.
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Category: Transgender Community News, Transgender Opinion