Trans Spirituality – Memorial Day 2021 Special

| May 31, 2021
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This special is dedicated to all those trans folx, alive and passed, who served in the military, defending our freedom, or finding their way, whether appreciated or not.

Two years ago, I published an academic paper.

The point of this paper was that it was prohibited by Jewish Law to obstruct gender transition. I started with the National Trans Discrimination Survey, continued with other sociological research, and then went to texts in the Torah, Talmud and Shulhan Arukh (Code of Jewish Law) which show that “saving a life overrides all biblical laws!”

We know that when transitioning is prevented, trans lives are threatened, so this paper proved that it was against Jewish Law to obstruct transition because it threatened trans lives. Yet those in Orthodox Jewish circles don’t accept this position. Why? Well I’m not Orthodox, I’m a (non-binary) woman, and I’m trans. All of these are reasons for them to reject what I say out of hand, despite the fact that what I say is legitimate.

But it gets much worse, doesn’t it? This year, we have seen a record amount of anti-trans legislation passed in the United States. Why? The right wing, fueled by the Evangelicals and the Roman Church, are angry that Biden won, and so they are doing everything they can to hurt us. They are pushing religious based legislation at every turn. Never mind that they are violating the Separation Clause of the First Amendment! They never respected the First Amendment. They only respect the Second anyway.

The irony in this is that these people CLAIM to be pro-life. So they pass anti-abortion legislation. But they NEVER consider the risks to the lives of the mothers and the babies, in carrying out these laws. They just pass spiteful laws. And then they pass anti-trans laws, which directly put us at risk of our lives!

They CLAIM to be pro-life. But when the rubber meets the road, they are pro-power, pro-domination, and pro-white supremacy only.

In their Bible we find the following:

Matthew 22:36-40 (New International Version)

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. ’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Or as the great Jewish Talmud sage Hillel put it, “That which is distasteful to yourself, don’t do to others. That is Torah. All the rest is commentary. Now, go and learn. . .”

Yet these Church people cannot be bothered with these two Greatest Commandments of their proclaimed Lord and Savior. Instead they judge people very harshly (another violation of the Book of Matthew) and condemn us to death for simply being as God created us.

I call on these Church people to study very deeply the prophecy of Isaiah:

11:9 “They will no longer do evil or destroy in all My Holy Mountain, when people come to be filled with knowledge of God as the waters cover the seas.” (translation mine)

If all people could truly follow this vision of Isaiah, we would truly have a better world.

Peace out,


  • Yum

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Category: Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

Rabbah Rona Matlow (ze/hir) is an AMAB NB trans woman. Ze is a retired navy nuclear power officer, permanently disabled veteran and ordained rabbi. Ze is the author of the upcoming book “We are God’s Children Too”, part autobiography and part text which debunks the myths that conservative clergy have been teaching about trans and queer people for millennia. Ze is a communal activist, pastoral counselor and educator. Hir websites are and

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