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Trans Spirituality: Election Special

| Oct 19, 2020
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Friends, we are approaching the most treacherous election our country has ever faced. We need to gather enough votes in EVERY state and territory to oust the orange nazi from office. To do that, it takes every millennial, every gen-x, every gen-z, every BIPOC person, every disabled person, every LGBTQ+ person, yes, every MARGINALIZED person, to get out the VOTE this year.

For people able to receive mail-in ballots, voter oppression is somewhat minimized, because when people can avoid polling places, they are less likely to face the goon squads from the GOP, Proud-Boys (and I’m not talking the Bear squads here), Nazis, etc. But even with mail-in ballots, voter suppression can occur, particularly with the Post Office issues. So helping marginalized people get to focused ballot drop boxes is key, particularly when they don’t have their own cars.
In the midst of the Pandemic/Plague, I know that is harder, but with proper precautions, it can still be done. If everyone masks up, you take one rider in your back passenger seat, and you in your driver’s seat with the windows open, and sanitize the car afterwards, it SHOULD be okay. PLEASE note that I am not an infectious disease expert however, but I would take the risk.

The problem really exists in states where the polling place is the only option. Then we MUST ensure our marginalized siblings get to the polls safely. If this takes a squad to escort them, then so be it.
You’ve heard me quote this verse before, but I will quote it again, because it is so vital:
Leviticus 19:14: You shall not place a stumbling block before the blind.

As I’ve stated before, this does not literally apply to non-sighted people, though it can. It means removing obstacles from disadvantaged people.

All of us in the trans community are disadvantaged and marginalized. We all know that. But few more so than our Black siblings. Our Black sisters are being murdered at a rate higher than any year recorded in history. This has to stop.

Some of us do enjoy some privilege. And there are others in the queer community, particularly cis-gay men and women, who live a life of privilege. So we need to enlist them to help out. It is incumbent on EVERY QUEER, not just our trans siblings, to ensure that EVERY trans person gets out to vote. I see this as a Holy obligation.

Our great rabbis taught that to save a life overrides all of the Biblical obligations.

To remove the current occupant from office IS TO SAVE LIVES! Especially trans lives. So help others, vote and save lives!

Peace out,

  • Yum

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Category: Transgender Opinion, Transgender Politics


About the Author ()

Rabbah Rona Matlow (ze/hir) is an AMAB NB trans woman. Ze is a retired navy nuclear power officer, permanently disabled veteran and ordained rabbi. Ze is the author of the upcoming book “We are God’s Children Too”, part autobiography and part text which debunks the myths that conservative clergy have been teaching about trans and queer people for millennia. Ze is a communal activist, pastoral counselor and educator. Hir websites are and

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