Trans News Now 3/27/23

| Mar 27, 2023
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Darcelle XV

Drag queen Darcelle XV has passed away at 92. Her obituary can be found in The Advocate.

Kentucky’s state legislature passed an anti-trans bill into which the legislators had packed a ban on gender-affirming care for minors, a bathroom bill, and a parental rights in education bill. The bill then went to Governor Andy Beshear, who decided to veto it. Governor Beshear noted that passing this bill would cause an increase in the number of suicides among LGBTQ youth. The HilL has this story.

In Kansas, the state legislature passed a bill to ban transgender females from girls’ sports. This is the third year that the state legislature has passed such a bill, and the third year that Governor Laura Kelly has vetoed such a bill. This story comes from The Advocate.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed into law a ban on public school students using a restroom or changing area which does not in alignment with the gender on the student’s birth certificate. CNN has this story.

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds also signed a school bathroom bill restricting the use of restrooms and changing rooms by transgender students. KCCI-TV reports that schools are rushing to comply with the law by providing single-person restrooms.

What would ladies’ room Jesus do?

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed into law the ban on most gender-affirming care for minors which his state passed. This story comes from The Associated Press.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has announced an emergency order restricting gender-affirming care for minors. The order places an 18-month waiting period before treatment can begin. The Advocate has this story.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a national “Parents Bill of Rights” on Friday. In addition to a list of all books available in the library, the bill also requires parents to be notified of any attempt to change the gender marker of any student under the age of 18. Several other anti-LGBTQ provisions of the bill are mentioned by The Advocate.

Canceled queen Mama Rose.

For the last two years, members of the Queer and Ally Alliance at Boone High School in the Orlando area has held a drag show. The school cancelled the guest drag queen, saying that “Drag & Donuts” was not a good idea given the current political environment in Florida. The decision to cancel the event came after the Florida Department of Education called the school administration. The Advocate has this story.

Opponents of the Parental Rights in Education Act predicted that, if this law were allowed to go into effect, further such laws would be forthcoming. Almost a year after the first bill passed, Governor Ron DeSantis has announced plans for an expansion of the act. Among other things, it would forbid discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity through the twelfth grade. This story comes from Them.

Repairs to the Louise Lawrence Transgender Archive building have been completed and the Archive will reopen on March 31, Transgender Day of Visibility. An open house is set for April 8. For more information contact the Archive using a form on their website.

Last week, Florida’s ban on gender-affirming care for minors went into effect. This week, four families have joined in a class-action suit against the state. The Hill has this story.

The Hill noticed that several Republican candidates have already shown that they plan to campaign on transgender rights–or rather, a lack of rights for transgender people.

Senator Michaela Cavanaugh

Nebraska state Senator Michaela Cavanaugh has ended her filibuster. She says that she wants to see who would “legislate hate against children.” She plans to restart the filibuster if the bill advances. The Advocate has this story.

A new report from The Human Rights Campaign shows that one in five transgender minors in the U.S. lives in a state where a ban on gender-affirming care has been enacted. That report was released before Missouri’s Attorney General placed his 18-month waiting period before a minor can begin gender-affirming care.

Kelley Robinson, the president of the Human Rights Campaign, was asked why so many states are trying to restrict transgender rights. She replied, “What I see in front of me is insecure people with power that are doing all that they can to hold onto it.” This story comes from Them.

Erin Reed made a map of the states, showing the degree to which transgender rights are at-risk in each state. PinkNews has this story.

While other states are making it harder, or impossible, for transgender youth to get gender-affirming care, Maryland has decided to make access easier. The state has instructed Medicaid to include access to gender-affirming care as a covered services, according to Them.

A new study by The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation found that more than 3/4 of transgender people polled said that they had increased satisfaction in life since their gender transition. Many were a lot more satisfied. Thanks to Ms. Bob Davis for the tip.

The DEA is considering a rule change which would require patients to visit a doctor in person before they can be prescribed a controlled substance. This includes testosterone, which is a Schedule III controlled substance, but not estrogen. This story comes from Them.

If transgender patients are not able to get the gender-affirming care that they want, they may turn to the black market. In Georgia, state Representative Park Cannon held up two bottles of black-market HRT. LGBTQ Nation has this story.

World Athletics, which regulates many track and field events, announced new rules which will make it nearly impossible for a transgender woman who had a male puberty to compete against women. CNN has this story.

A new report by GLAAD finds that the number of LGBTQ characters in television series is down. Trans characters declined by 10, leaving 32.

Trace Lysette

The first trailer for Monica, the new trans film starring Trace Lysette, has been released. The A. Frame website has this story. has a preview of the Drag Isn’t Dangerous telethon, scheduled for May 7.

The Proud Boys came out to protest a Drag Queen Story Time event in New York City, and ended up going home bruised and bloodied, according to The Advocate.

Posie Parker took her anti-trans speaking tour to Australia. She and her fans made quite an impression, as they were seen giving a Nazi salute in Melbourne. This has led to the banning of that gesture, and a trans pride flag being flown over government buildings in the capitol. PinkNews has this story.

Uganda has passed a new law, outlawing LGBTQ identities. This story comes from The Advocate.

Transgender people in China are dealing with a new drug law that makes it harder to obtain hormones, according to Time magazine.

The U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops is defending a new teaching of theirs, which supports legislation that forbids gender-affirming care. The National Catholic Register has this story.

Kayleigh Scott

Kayleigh Scott, a transgender flight attendant who was suddenly famous when her story was highlighted by United Airlines in 2020, committed suicide. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.

A transgender hairdresser in Britain is trying to bring some equality, by doing away with one price for a male client and a different price for a female client, and instead charging a set price for each service. PinkNews has this story.

A young transgender person asked Lynda Carter to speak to her father, asking the man to accept his transgender daughter’s gender identity. The actress did indeed respond with a message for the transgender child to give her dad. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.

Although he had some difficulty accepting his transgender daughter’s gender identity at first, Wayne Maines became one of Nicole’s best allies, and she became the actress who played Dreamer on Supergirl. Now, Wayne is championing the cause of transgender children throughout the United States. PinkNews has this story.

It’s not exactly his name up in lights but David de Alba is feeling happy to see his name on the marquee outside of the Las Vegas theater that is hosting his show If I Can Turn Back Time. The show starts at 3:30 p.m. on April 1 at the Winchester Dondero Park and Cultural Center. David will be thrilled to see you in the audience.

West Texas A&M University recently cancelled a drag performance on campus. In a fit of irony, the president of the university is now being investigated for a potential violation of the very policy passed to eliminate what conservatives call “Cancel Culture.” The Advocate has this story.

Trans News Now is assembled by Cecilia Barzyk with additional content and editing by Angela Gardner. Care to make a comment on this post? Login here and use the comment area below.

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Category: Transgender Community News


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Every week Cecilia Barzyk diligently scans the internet to assemble as much trans-related information from the weekly news as possible.

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