Trans News Now 10/17/22
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Émilia Decaaudin, who is a Democratic district leader from New York City, was asked about her genitals when a woman at a bar questioned her. She was later asked, “How can you represent vaginas?” among other indelicate remarks. PinkNews has this story.
The World Health Organization has declared that health care which affirms the gender of transgender people is essential to our overall health. It is a necessity. Yahoo has this story, from Quartz.
Federal District Court Judge Robert Hinkle heard arguments on Florida’s ban on the use of Medicaid funds to pay for transgender health care. He refused to issue an injunction, saying that plaintiffs (or, more properly, their lawyers) had failed to demonstrate irreparable harm. He also noted that the defendant used the testimony of doctors “who are decidedly out of the mainstream” in support of their position. This story comes from The Tampa Bay Times.
Vanderbilt University announced that it is “pausing” gender-affirming surgeries on minors, in light of the new law in Tennessee. The new statement comes after the hospital tried to downplay the controversy, saying that they average five such surgeries on minors each year. CNN has this story.
A trans man in Tennessee named Henry Seaton has been in touch with doctors from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and tells the Tennessee Lookout there are a lot of checks and balances in the system, and that he was denied surgery until he was at least 18.
A story in The Hill reports that the number of homicides of transgender people has doubled in the last four years.
The Ohio Board of Education decided to table an anti-transgender resolution. The resolution would have banned transgender females from school sports, forced transgender students to use the restroom for the sex they were assigned at birth, and forced teachers to tell parents of their child’s change of gender at school. The board heard testimony on the resolution, but did not vote on it. LGBTQ Nation has this story.
Republicans are using transgender athletes as a campaign issue, but Democrats running for office aren’t discussing why they vote against such bans, according to Politico.
According to a headline from WJLA-TV, a new bill in Virginia would make it a felony for parents to not support their transgender children. The body of the story says that the bill has not yet been introduced, but it covers support of a child’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
The Selective Service tweeted that transgender women are still considered male for the purposes of registering for the draft. Fox News has this story.
Transgender/nonbinary actor Ceci Balagot is bringing transgender representation to Monster High: The Movie. He gave an interview to Pride magazine.
With the election coming up, many transgender people have to either try to look like the gender on their ID, present ID and hope for the best, or just not vote. The 19th has this story.
A new study shows that LGBTQ+ people are a growing part of the bank of voters. This story comes from The Advocate.
Although more research should be done on the rate of cancer among transgender people, it seems that transgender women get cancer at about the same rate as cisgender women. You can read more in Cancer Therapy Advisor.
Some people seem to be upset at Jamie Clayton playing Pinhead in the new Hellraiser, because in previous movies, the part was played by a male. But, LGBTQ Nation points out that the original novella described Pinhead as androgynous, with a female voice.
J.K. Rowling responded to the question, “How do you sleep at night knowing you’ve lost a whole audience from buying your books” with, “I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly.” Her royalty cheque from the Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore is a good bit lower than her previous royalty cheques, and her books aren’t selling like they used to, but it seems that she hasn’t noticed. has this story.
The National Health Service of England has drafted new guidelines for the treatment of transgender youth. The new guidelines call for health care professionals to tell local authorities of youth who purchased puberty blockers or HRT drugs on their own. (Mind you, that’s only true for those who tell health care professionals that they did so.) The draft guidelines, which may be revised before they are put into effect, are the subject of a story by Reuters.
The Equalities, Human Rights, and Civil Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament released its state one report on the Gender Recognition Reform in Parliament. The committee supports the bill for reform. An editorial in The Scotsman also supports the bill.
Prime Minister Liz Truss said that charges against Mermaids, the charity for transgender youth, “deserve to be looked at.” This story comes from PinkNews.
The U.K.’s Justice Secretary announced new guidelines for housing transgender prisoners, which are expected to be brought before Parliament later this year. The new guidelines would basically only allow those who have had gender confirmation surgery to be housed according to the gender that they identify with. PinkNews has this story.
Some transgender people in the U.K. report that changing their gender marker resulted in them having a new NHS number, and that the new number did not access all their previous health records. For this reason, they could not get COVID vaccine passes, among other things, according to PinkNews.
The Trevor Project has launched a new hotline in Mexico. The Advocate has this story.
Several Two-Spirit artists, activists, and healers are featured in them.
Some students arriving in college find that their new school uses their legal name, which happens to be their deadname, on their records. The Washington Post has this story.
We reported a story about the Randolph Union High School girls volleyball team, who were unaccepting of a transgender teammate. Their coach decided that if the cisgender girls were uncomfortable with sharing the locker room with their transgender teammate, they could wait until she was done before entering the locker room. The story was shared widely on conservative media, with the sorts of comments you might expect. Seven Days reports that the television station which first reported the incident has since removed its report. (Unfortunately, the stories in conservative media will not disappear nearly so quickly.)
Fleur MacInnes is a DPhil Student researching Transgender Women in the Second Wave of Feminism in Britain. She is on the History Faculty, University of Oxford. She is looking for trans woman and transfeminine people in Britain who she can interview about their experiences in British Feminism, especially in the Women’s Liberation Movement. To learn more about who she is looking for email her directly.
The ACLU has begun a new podcast series about the history of transgender youth. The fight for transgender youth is much older than you think.
Trans News Now is assembled by Cecilia Barzyk with additional content and editing by Angela Gardner. Care to make a comment on this post? Login here and use the comment area below.
Category: Transgender Community News