The Occasional Woman: Spring Fashion!
Dear Readers,
Welcome to SPRING! Time to consider putting away the down coats, mufflers, thick sweaters and mukluks. First, make sure the good stuff is all clean — wool coats and jackets, heavier boots, stuff that screams “it’s ‘effin’ cold out!” Stains can be hard to spot, and can damage fabrics and ruin a nice garment. And to help you with the transition to Not Winter, aka Spring, I shall present a wee preview of what is passing as “fashion” these days, replete with suggestions and no small amount of snarky comments.
The “new” trend I like most is traditional, but with a fresher look—the Button-Up Shirt! It can be linen, cotton, very light-weight wool, rayon or many of the non-gross polyester blends that are out there. Although it is vaguely dude-esque, nothing is as flattering as a well-cut and nicely ironed White Shirt. Here’s the fun part—this type of shirt is quite smart, and flattering. AND, one can doll it up with a nifty li’l camisole peeking out from the neck, maybe with lace trim. Or slut it up with a Black or Red camisole-woo hoo! It can step out sweetly with a short denim skirt, or a black leather one. Or try a midi skirt—yes, the Fashion Police are STILL trying to foist that style on us, but here’s a tip-to avoid that ultra-Orthodox look—get one of these potentially dowdy skirts with an off-center SLIT ! And there you go!
Short leather or denim jackets are still with us, and I hope they always are. There are so many cuts and styles of the Denim Skirt—the trad thigh-high, the flared and flirty knee-length, the midi with a saucy slit. They say both FUN and FASHION, and will never really go out of style. Wear this gem with a white lace top, a zingy cowgirl jacket, or just a beautifully-cut slinky t-shirt. Enjoy!
Next, we have a style about which I am conflicted. It is Baggy Jeans. . . Sigh. . . Some of this look is doable—flared jeans are nice, and can look quite polished and flattering. Looser jeans made of a very light denim can be just perfect! But noooo! The ones I have been seeing are big ole honkin’ Levis that look like you just rolled out from under an old Chevy, where you had been changing the oil in your driveway. Or barn. They look like hell on a biscuit. They are sloppy and often festooned with myriad big-ass pockets and patches—leave them for the 11th grade Bad Girls. Please.
Another Occasional Woman No No is plain black loafers. They are for preppies and dudes! Unless such a sad shoe sports some glitter, rhinestones of a nice heel, leave ’em out for the dog. I bet they taste better than they look. Also “big” in today’s fashion is the “I haven’t finished it yet” look—frayed edges, shaggy hems, torn stuff. Girl, please.
Good Stuff includes some of my perennial faves: wrap dresses, and wrap shirts. Particularly in floaty, fun fabrics, these are so delightful to wear! Always try them out at home first, and try SITTING in them—keep those knees TOGETHER, ladies—we are not at the gynecologist’s office here. When auditioning a wrap-close item, make sure you join all joinable areas together; sometimes the item wraps ALL the way around, going inside and then back around. Try really hard to NOT close it up in front with a big safety pin—you will be judged. Oh yes, you will. So take an Internet cruise around after Googling “Fashion”, pick yourself out some nifty winners, and have a Swell Spring!
Category: crossdressing, Transgender Fashion