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Tag: Varla Jean Merman
Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett have teamed up on a CD called “Cheek To Cheek.” myou might thing a 21st century pop star wouldn’t be able to cut it performing next to Mr. Tony Bennett but Gaga gives it her all and that turns out to be more than enough. Pamela DeGroff reviews the CD and brings you other news from the world of entertainment in Perpetual Change, the longest running column on TGForum.
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While cruising around the Internet our intrepid music columnist Pamela DeGroff came across a drag queen music classic. She stumbled onto a copy of a 1996 CD release called God Shave The Queen! it features music by 10 artists, most drag queens and the musical genres range from dance to funk, smooth jazz to cabaret, and more. The CD is still available online so check out Pamela’s review and see if you’d like to add it to your music collection.
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