Sophie’s Penn State TDOR Speech

| Nov 20, 2023 | Reply

Today, November 20, is the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Our Contributor Sophie is attending Penn State University and since the students are on break on the twentieth the school honors the Day of Remembrance on November 14th. The text of Sophie’s post is the speech she wrote for the Penn State Transgender Day of Remembrance and delivered on the 14th..

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Transgender Day of Remembrance 2014

| Nov 17, 2014 | Reply

The Transgender Day of Remembrance is this coming Thursday and Babs Casbar Siperstein blogs about the event and the its significance to the transgender community as a whole. It’s not just about hate crimes against trans people. The violence we suffer is indicative of a pervasive atmosphere of discrimination against trans people in employment, housing and civil rights. Read what Babs has to say about the progress we’ve made and the progress that is still needed.

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I Remember Her Well

| Nov 17, 2014 | Reply

November 20 is the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Every year when November rolls around Linda Jensen thinks of a trans woman she met while on vacation in California. She was an aerospace technician and she told Linda she was on the road to living full-time in her chosen gender role. They stayed in touch now and then but after no communication for awhile Linda saw her friend’s name in the newspaper.

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