Normal Is A Setting on Your Washer

| Apr 27, 2020
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There are some things that just aren’t discussed in polite company. Here’s one.

LGBT. I know there’s more letters. Q, I, A, +. Perhaps this week there are more. Fine. But for today’s purpose, let’s focus on LGBT. I want to talk about dating, and of course, the long-term coupling and partnerships it leads to. L’s, G’s and B’s are simple. They are the same. People assigned a gender at birth that they accept and embrace, who are attracted to the same gender. Men attracted to men, and women who love women. Bisexuals are attracted to both the same sex and the opposite sex. But for the purpose of this article and frankly, in order to even make the LGBTQIA alphabet soup, let’s just focus on the same-sex attraction. So, simple. Easy. Boys who like boys and girls who like girls. What about the T’s? What’s the T on T’s? Easy? Let’s take a look.

L’s, G’s and B’s, as they progress through life come to understand, “This is who I am, and who I’m attracted to.” One could even say, “Because this is who I’m attracted to.” T’s are completely, completely different. They come to understand the gender they are assigned at birth is wrong. Societal norms projected on them, and expected of them are wrong. So, they transition. Male to female, and female to male. This has nothing to do with who they are attracted to. So, who do they like? Get ready, your head may be about to explode. Relax. Clear your mind. Hydrate. Transgender women may be attracted to men. Effectively, they feel and perceive themselves to be a woman born into a man’s body. Or they might be attracted to women. They may feel like a lesbian. Or they may be attracted to transgender women. All of these scenarios are normal occurrences. This effectively makes them L or G. Lesbians or gays. They may be attracted to more than one of these. Of course, you’ve figured out, this makes them B’s. Bisexual. But wait, what about the rest of those letters? Let’s not forget those who are attracted to a person’s mind, rather than a gender identity. Or those who do not want any ‘normal’ gender identity assigned to them. Queer. Or those who don’t have any interest or proclivity, any attraction to anyone. Asexual. Or.  . . you get it. All those other letters. Now, as to transgender men, well, the same thing. Just reverse the genders.

So, you see, L’s, G’s and B’s are defined, classified by their attraction. Their raison d’etre. T’s, not at all. Basically, they have to figure out how correct the misgendering that occurred at birth, then they get to navigate through the alphabet soup, just the same as all “normal” people in society.

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Category: Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

Jaelle Terrell is a self described "old crone" living in Cleveland Ohio. She is a fabric artist and a writer, and recently become enthralled with stand up comedy and has been performing at local open mic’s.

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