My Life as Savannah: Chapter 34, New York
Bill has taken me to all kinds of fantastic, exciting, and unbelievable places. Many formal, some semi-formal, and a lot of casual outings as well. Bill asked me one day when we were sitting on a bench overlooking the lake. It was winter, but he always made me feel warm. “What activities would you like to do together?
“I’d like to take ballroom dance lessons together and join some ballroom dance clubs.”
Bill arranged private ballroom lessons at a local studio, and we went twice a week for about three months, depending on his caseload. We were having fun as a couple.
I cooked dinner for Bill often. Bill seemed to like home cooking. This time it was a good old pot roast in my slow cooker. After dinner, while we were sitting on the couch drinking wine, I asked about the trip to New York. I have vacation time and was curious about what I could do since he would be at the convention. Are we driving, flying? — all the twenty questions so that I’d know what and how much to pack. He said there would be many wives and husbands who weren’t attorneys there, and the conference always makes arrangements for all the ladies to go shopping and touring and sightseeing. But he never mentioned anything about what I should bring.
Bill told me he had dinner early reservations for two nights, followed by a Broadway production. I love how Bill always thinks and plans. It must be a lawyer thing. The last night of the conference is where I am speaking after dinner. I believe there made by dancing. I’ll check.
“I can’t carry that many clothes on the plane.
“I have it all taken care of, Savannah. Have I told you today that I am so in love with you?”
“I don’t recall you have, but I love hearing it. Tell me again.” I kissed him on his cheek.
I stayed at Bill’s condo that night before our trip. A car picked us on to take us to the airport. How will the plane accommodate all this luggage of mine, I wondered, without incurring exorbitant fees? The car stopped short of the airport, and I looked out the window. We were at a private airport. The car pulled up in front of this small jet, unloaded our bags, and we boarded.
“Bill, this is such a treat.”
“I detest commercial airlines. I feel like hamburger on them.”
“Mrs. Comings?” After hearing the flight attendant say a couple of times, it dawned on me that the hostess was talking to me.
“Would you care for something to drink?”
“Just water, please, thank you.”
“Mr. Comings?”
“Yes, please, coffee black. Thank you.”
Just after my water arrived, a nurse and a very sick looking young girl boarded. When he could, Bill told me that it allows children to need treatment in other cities to fly at no charge. After take-off, I went back and spoke to the traveling nurse and ill child. I don’t recall the illness the little girl had, but I felt sorry for her having to endure this suffering a such a young age. The little girl and I chatted, and I made her laugh. The nurse told me she rarely laughs. I told the nurse if she needed a break, I’d gladly help her.
The flight from Chicago to New York is usually about two hours. We made it just under that. If we had driven, it would have taken over twelve hours. A car and an ambulance were waiting for us when we landed. I was glad it was freezing, and the piercing wind was frightful. I’m so happy. I wore jeans and not a skirt. I didn’t care what I was taught to get in a car ladylike. It was so miserably cold, and I just wanted to get into the warm car as fast as I could. The car took us to the hotel. Bill went to check us in.
“Welcome back to New York, Mr. Comings. Here are your room keys.”
“You’ve been here before?”
“Too many times. I never cared for this city. Too crowded and populated for my liking.” We arrived at our room’s floor, and Bill opened the door to our suite. I was impressed.
“This is lovely, Bill. Thank you for bringing me.”
“Savannah, I want you with me everywhere I go. I don’t want me sleeping in the cold city alone, do you?”
“You are so sweet to me, Bill. How did I get so blessed?” The bellman knocked and brought in our bags and hung them up. Bill tipped him.
“You look a little nervous and uptight. Is it your speech?”
‘Yes, I need to polish it some more.” I walked over to Bill and kissed him. I dropped to my knees, unzipped him, and blew him off.”
“That was nice, Savannah. What was that for?”
“No other reason than to love you. Do I need a reason? You should be relaxed now. You work on your talk. I’m going to look around the hotel. I won’t be gone long.” I stood on my toes and gave him a sweet kiss. Bill smiled as I picked up my purse, room key, a grey cardigan sweater, and popped a couple of breath mints in my mouth, then departed.
The hotel was the conference hotel. It was enormous. I’ve never been to a place like this before, even those I travel to for work. There were a lot of men and women in beautifully tailored suits mingling around. Probably attorneys for the conference. I saw on the registration booth’s agenda that Bill would be presenting a paper he had written on the conference schedule. I wondered when he has time for his practice, writing, and me to do all of this.
I called Mom and told her and told her we were in New York. I told her it was seemed much colder than Chicago, and I may simply stay in the hotel. She wished me a lovely time and, of course, as all Moms do, to come home soon.
I came back to the room, and Bill looked up from the desk and smiled at me. I went over to the bed to rest awhile.
“Bill, what time and where do we have to be tonight, so I’ll know when to start getting ready?”
“8 PM for dinner at Gallagher’s. One other couple will join us. A car will take us. I guess we should be downstairs by about 7:30.” It was noon, and I fell asleep. After maybe an hour or so, Bill came over to the bed and started kissing my neck.
“Savannah, I love you. I can’t seem to get enough of every inch of your beautiful body.”
“Good! I’ll hold you to it. Every inch of my body is for you.” Bill straddled me and began massaging my breasts and kissing my neck. He pulled my top over my head then got back up to lock the door. He came back and unfastened my bra, and started sucking my breasts.
“That feels divine, Bill. I’ll give you have one-hour to stop.” He rolled me over and began kissing my back. He started my licking from my butt up along each side of my spine. He ended on my shoulder near my neck and lightly nibbled on it. I almost lost it.
“You have on way too many clothes,” I whispered. It didn’t take him long to undress.
I had to get up and find the condoms and lube in my luggage. I handed them to Bill. His penis was raging hard.
“This looks nice, Bill.” As I reached for it and started stroking him, and lightly ran my fingernails over his balls and shaft and then massaged his jewels. I love making him squirm. I kissed, licked the head of his penis and licked like a lollipop, and swirled my tongue around it. Never once putting it in my mouth. I kept stroking, licking, and kissing the head. I love teasing him.
“I love watching you do that, Savannah.” He was so excited and flustered he couldn’t even tear open the condom. I took it from him and opened it, and slid it on him. After he lubed us both up, I crawled up on top of him and lowered until he impaled me. We never fucked like this before. I looked him in his eyes, and he held my breasts. I rode him up and down. After a short while, I felt him swelling. I rode him very slowly some more and repeated.
“Savannah, you’re killing me.” I lowered myself down.
“I’m all yours, Bill.” As I leaned over to kiss him, which allowed him to go deep. I kept saying, “oh, oh, oh, oh. Bill, you are so deep in me; your cock is kissing my heart. I squeezed his shoulders as he unloaded again and again.
“Oh……. Savannah .” I kept riding him until he went limp. I crawled up next to him and told him how amazing he was, how much I love him, and how much he makes me feel loved. We kissed and hugged.
I took off his condom and accidentally spilled some of his cum on his stomach. I licked it all up, and he started to twitch.
“I see you haven’t had enough of me yet, Bill.” His eyes opened wide. I stoked it for several minutes, then blew him.
“Savannah, that’s three times today.” I looked up at him into his blue eyes with a grin.
“What? Three times isn’t enough? Too much?” His head fell back onto the pillow, drained and exhausted. It was four in the afternoon. “You better be careful you may have some more before dinner.” He pulled me so tight.
“I’ll never get enough of you, Savannah Thomas.” I headed to take a bath. Bill was sleeping when I came out with a towel wrapped around me.
I woke Bill and whispered.
“You want some more me?”
”You’ve completely drained me, Savannah. You are the most beautiful, hottest, and the sexiest lady in the World. I love you.”
Bill got up to go shower, and I started my makeup. He was wobbling.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes. I think so. It’s your fault.” He paused and continued, “But don’t stop. I’ll take my chances.” Bill smiled at me as he headed into the bathroom to shower.
I got up and went over to him and whispered.
“I love you, Bill!”
“I love how you love me, Savannah. I love you.”
I wore a warm knit long sleeve dress below my knee, boots with three-inch heels, and tights. I grabbed my trench coat, scarf, gloves, and purse and headed downstairs at about 7:15.
“Who are we meeting?”
“An old friend from law school, James Kerning, and his wife, Mary. We’ve kept in touch all these years. They are a fun couple.”
We were off the elevator about fifteen seconds when someone said,
“Bill, Bill Comings!”
“James, how are you. They hugged. James, this is Savannah Thomas. Savannah, James, and Mary Kerning.” James looked me over and asked Bill, rather loudly, if I was of legal age. People around us looked at us. Outside there was a limo to take us to the restaurant.
In the car, Mary asked me how we met.
“I was in a restaurant bar waiting for my table. There were no more open bar tables, and Bill asked to join me until our table was announced. It’s history after that.” Bill smiled at me. It was starting to snow and sleet.
It was not too long a drive to the famous Gallagher’s steakhouse. I’m glad the driver had an umbrella for Mary and me. Walking in the building, Bill leaned over and said softly.
“You were amazing today.” I looked up and smiled.
I whispered back, “No, we were amazing. You better reload; I’m not finished with you tonight.” Bill’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. The restaurant smelled like a steakhouse. We headed to the bar for a drink and had to stand until the table was called. Why don’t these seated men offer us ladies their chairs? Mary asked me where I got such beautiful skin for being in cold Chicago. “It is from my mother,” I replied.
“She must be beautiful as well?”
“She is, inside and out. Thank you, Mary. You’re very nice.” She asked me where I was from and about my work. I found out that she, too, was an attorney but didn’t work with her husband.
“We’d fight too much if we worked together. Legal talk at home is not allowed.”
“Smart, you two both know how to file for a divorce.” She nodded, then looked at me and smiled with raised eyebrows.
We were seated. How come steak houses are so noisy? I surmised it must be the concoction of men and alcohol.
James said, “ladies is a merlot okay with you two. If not, I’ll gladly order something else for you as well.”
“You are very kind for offering, James. Merlot is fine with me.” Mary approved as well.
James asked me, “So, Savannah, what do you do?” I gave the short answer with hopefully enough details. I made a mental reminder to send them some samples of our men’s and women’s product divisions.
Bill pointed out some interesting items on the menu for all of us to consider.
The sommelier brought the wine, and James tasted and approved of it. He poured it into a decanter to breathe since we still had our wine from the bar.
“Ladies, would you like your wine now?”
“Thank you. I’ll finish this one first.” I answered. He poured Mary’s, Bill, then James wine glasses.
James made a toast. “To these two beautiful ladies, a fun evening, and old and new friends.” I really couldn’t toast to the first part, but I could to the last two items. But I raised my glass, smiled, and sipped my wine.
The boys talked to each other almost all night. That was fine since I knew they were old friends. Mary asked me where I grew up. I explained in a little town about an hour East of Atlanta, with around four thousand people. I told her I had an older sister. I followed up by asking her about where she was from, how she got into law, and how she met James.
The waiter showed up, asking about appetizers. The men ordered some calamari. Finally, the menus came. Finally, I was getting hungry. All I had was some oatmeal. And I recalled about ninety calories or so of Bill today. I grinned at Bill. He smiled back. Although I am not much of red meat eater, I ordered a salad and a petite six-ounce filet, and some broccoli. Mary ordered some steak type, and Bill and James huge steaks so big each would take me a week or two to eat!
I got up to excuse myself. Mary came with me. I think Bill and James were the only gentlemen who stood for their ladies and pulled our chairs. I kissed Bill on his cheek when he sat down.
Bill told me later that the manager came over and said to them, it had been a long time since he has seen the courtesy of men standing for ladies in his restaurant.
I was starved, so I grabbed a roll when the salads came. Mary did fascinating work. She helped mainly abused women and children. I acknowledged her for such admirable work.
“Bill, Savannah is so darling. I may take her back to Arizona with me.”
Bill answered, “You do know that New York also has kidnapping laws and that I’d spend my life looking for her. “
“Aw, you are so sweet.” Looking at Bill.
“Bill,” repeated James rather loud. “Are you sure she is over 18?” The people at the table next to us looked at me. Mary told him to stop embarrassing me.
“You certainly know how to flatter a Southern lady, James.”
Our main course came, and I ate all my vegetables and about three-quarters of my steak. The steak did taste delicious. It was 11 PM, and I don’t know who paid the bill. The limo took us back to the hotel. I hugged Mary and kissed James on his cheek goodnight.
Bill walked me to the elevator. I never get tired of seeing James. I mentioned, “Maybe you should go visit them sometime?” Bill looked at me, put a hand around my waist, and said,
“You mean we should go to visit them, don’t you?” I smiled. I got undressed, and I love how Bill watches me as I do it. I’m going to take off my makeup and brush my teeth and hair out. What time do you need to be up in the morning?
Breakfast at 7:30, registration is 8:30 – 9:00, then opening remarks. I hope you can join me for breakfast. I love being with you and having you next to me. You always make me look much better. I put on my nightie, and Bill was already in bed. I got under the covers. I kissed him. His eyes opened, and he rolled over and started kissing and caressing me.
“I love how you touch me.” After 5 minutes or so, I felt him. “Looks like you haven’t had enough of me after all.” I reached down and held and caressed his jewels and then stroked him.
“Love me, Bill!”
He handed me a condom, and I rolled it on him with my mouth.
“Oh, my God! I loved that, Savannah .” I got back up on all fours, and Bill entered me doggy style. I guess all the wine seemed to make him last a lot longer. I pounded me for what seemed over 10-minutes. He was still in me when he laid me down flat. We both grunted when he trusted. He pulled me back up and grabbed my feminine hips.
“Savannah, Savannah, here it comes. . .” He collapsed in me, panting.
“Oh, that was amazing, Savannah. I love you.” We cuddled and held each other.
He got up to most likely dispose of the condom. I put my arm over him to go to sleep. After a while, I said,
“Bill, I love you, being with you, and how you love and care for me.” I kissed him on his shoulder.
“Bill, tomorrow, I want to get you off at least five times.”
Bill smiled and replied, “I’m a dead man.”
For some reason, I woke long before Bill and decided to wake him with a blowjob. He was in my mouth, and he fully woke up and smiled at me.
“Good morning, Savannah .” Bill ran downstairs and brought us up some coffee, so I started my makeup. He took a shower and shaved. I wasn’t participating at the conference, so I put on nice jeans and a pull-over sweater. I pulled back my hair in a ponytail in case I decided to go outside.
I straightened and fixed the dimple in Bill’s necktie for him and told him how handsome he was and how much I loved him. I put on my heels, and we headed down to the breakfast buffet. I decided to stay here and not go out with the wives. I looked miserable outside. I wondered if New York had cabbies drove like the ones we have in Chicago. I window shopped in the hotel and a few stores nearby the hotel. I was glad I brought a scarf and gloves.
But before I left, I took off my heels and put on Sketchers. I had to roll up my jeans because of the lower heel height. I bought some earmuffs and went back to the hotel. I was on my own for lunch since Bill would be at a conference luncheon. At the café, I had a salad and some hot tea to warm up.
I forgot what we were doing tonight, so I texted Bill. An hour later, he told me we were going to a Broadway show then a late dinner during a break. I went upstairs to rest. The maid woke me up, and I left until she was finished cleaning. I slept until 3:30 when Bill came in.
“Care to come to join us for a happy hour cocktail?” I told Bill as long as I have time to go back and bathe and touch up makeup.
It was a moderately scary cab ride to the theater and then another restaurant that Bill had been to before. I hadn’t talked to him all day and asked about the conference. He said he enjoyed many of the presentations. But most of the PowerPoints were horrible, and many of the presenters didn’t have any presentation skills – even though they were trial lawyers. It sounded like some of the meetings I have at work. It must be a universal thing to have uninspiring presentations.
Back to the hotel, and it was late. Bill brushed his teeth and said he wanted to make love. I took off my makeup, brushed my teeth, and put on my nightie. I walked, swinging my hips as I smiled at him. Bill turned me around, put his hands on my breasts, kissed my neck, and took me to bed.
Same routine as yesterday. Bill was presenting that morning. I wanted to hear him, but he wasn’t unable to get me in.
“Savannah, you can come to dinner tomorrow, where I am the after-dinner speaker. Lunch together today?” I said yes.
I relaxed all day. I was looking at the hotel services when I saw the word ‘Spa’ piqued my attention. A massage and facial sounded delightful to me. I booked one for the next day at 2 PM.
We had dinner at the hotel that night. I was glad to stay where it was warm. I asked him if he was excited about presenting tomorrow night. He said he was and was prepared. From what I heard, it was a huge honor to present. It was a black-tie, and I only needed to wear a cocktail dress.
“Savannah, I love the dress you chose for tomorrow night. You should go shopping for some more outfits tomorrow if you want.” I told Bill about the massage and facial at the spa. The next morning I woke him the way he loves being awoken by me. I joined Bill and some of his colleagues for breakfast. I kissed Bill. I took a cup of coffee to the big lobby to sit in one of the enormous high-backed chairs to read The Wall Street Journal. I thought I should have made the spa appointment earlier. I went to a hotel phone and called the spa. They had an opening at 11 AM.
“I’ll take that one, please. I went to the gym to take a couple of miles run on the treadmill, then back for a quick shower to go to the spa. I walked in and gave them my name and room number. I booked an hour and a half deep tissue massage. The masseuse’s name was Anthony, and he gave me an incredible deep tissue massage with his big strong hands. I had to wear a gaffe since I would be on my back under the sheets, and I didn’t want anything to show. Let me tell you, and I was so relaxed after he was finished that I could hardly find the strength to turn over or climb off the table – I was that relaxed. I put my robe back on and waited outside for my facial. I fell asleep on the cosmetologist’s table. I woke when I heard her say,
“Miss Thomas, you have the most beautiful and perfect skin I’ve seen. Are you a professional model?” I thanked her for being so sweet. The facial felt sensational; the creams and steam felt divine. I noticed they also had a hair and nail option. I went into the sauna with other ladies. Then I took a shower in the spa. I washed and conditioned my hair, put on their skin moisturizer. They asked about my nails. I had those done before I left, so they were good. It was now about 3 PM, so I dressed and headed to our room. Bill was there.
“How was the spa?” I said they almost pampered me ‘almost’ as much as he does but differently. I told him about Anthony’s deep tissue massage and that I could hardly climb off the table.
“They should allow an option for people to sleep afterward.” Then about the heavenly facial.
Bill wanted to rest before the evening.
“Join me?”
“Of course! I love snuggling next to you.”
We had several hours since the dinner wasn’t until 8 PM, and cocktails at 7:30. He set his alarm. I looked at the clock; it was 2:30. I took off my robe and only had on my bra and panties. I ditched the gaff as soon as I could. He was hard now but still asleep. He had a hard-on, so I gently put a condom on, and he lubed us both and started kissing him. I smiled, then slowly crawled on top of Bill, lowered myself on him, and rode him like I did yesterday. I kept looking sultrily into his eyes. He alternated from grabbing my bouncing breasts and to my hips. I leaned over, putting my breasts on his chest, which allowed him to go deep again. I felt him growing. I nibbled on his nipples, and he completely lost it. He was panting so hard. I smiled,
“Are you having a heart attack? I know CPR.”
He pulled me close to his face, “If you keep this up, my love, I may. But I’ll write up a legal waiver and take my chances.”
“Good. I don’t want to lose you, Bill.”
‘Don’t worry, Savannah, I am keeping you around for a long time.”
Bill got up to take another shower since he was covered in sweat. The bathroom was too hot and steamy for me to touch up my makeup and hair.
“Savannah, my knees are still weak.”
“Just let me know anytime you require weak knees. In fact, why don’t is simply keep your knees weak all the time? How’s that sound?”
That last comment made Bill fumble, trying to tie his tuxedo tie.
“Here,” I said. “Let me tie it.” I tied his bowtie and straightened it for him.
I asked Bill to zip up my dress and hook the top.
“Savannah, turn around.” It did. “No, all the way around.” I did a three-sixty twirl.
“You take my breath away. You always look so breathtaking. We may not make it out of here.”
“Thank you. Would you like to splash cold water on you?” Bill smiled.
“Remember, you’re the star of the show tonight,” I said.
“And you are always my shining star, Savannah .” I gave him a light kiss, spritzed on my Chanel, and grabbed my bag and wrap. We were going to a private cocktail party on the floor somewhere on the floor above us before heading down to the cocktail party before dinner. There were about 30-40 people packed into this suite. Bill said it was for the presenters and sponsored by the conference committee. Bill chatted and introduced me to the organizers and the people he knew. I looked at Bill.
“I’m looking at the most handsome, amazing, most incredible, most loving man in the world.” Bill smiled and gave me his arm. I chatted with a few beautiful ladies. One said,
“You’re from Chicago too?” But I found out we lived on opposite sides of the city. She lived over near Northwestern University.
We headed down to the elevator, and I asked Bill if my lipstick was okay. His answer was, “Your luscious lips look delicious.” I took that my lipstick was okay. The ballroom was packed and very loud. After chatting with a bunch of couples, we eventually headed for our table. We sat at the head table on the stage. The meal was a regular conference chicken. I sat next to an attorney who was staring down my cleavage. I told Bill about it later, and he said so was he, and most likely, every man there. I blushed.
After dinner, the conference chairwoman got up and made some announcements. She next gave Bill a very warming introduction. He stood up and kissed me, then headed to the podium on the stage. I was impressed. Truthfully, I was more than impressed. Bill had no presentation notes. He did the required, thanking everyone, and began. He started with a funny courtroom story that everyone laughed at and loved. His story allowed him to segue into the overview of his three points. Bill walked from behind the podium and headed to the mid-front stage. He paused, turned, and looked at me and smiled, then continued his presentation. Bill made everyone laugh; he made everyone think and contemplate and gave them something they could take away with them to use when they returned to their respective cities. Finally, he summarized his three points and nodded his head. The attendees applauded, and everyone stood up. The conference chair came over and thanked him and presented him with a beautiful plaque. The men at our table stood for him when he returned. Bill gave me his arm to leave. Some so many people wanted to talk to him, so we hung around, so we stayed. No dancing.
He went to the bar and ordered us a drink, and we took it to our room. I never had much of a chance to talk to him after his presentation. I took his scotch from his hand and laid both of our drinks on our table. I put my arms up around his neck and gave him a tender kiss.
“Bill, you gave an amazing presentation.” I untied his bowtie.
No sex that night. We stayed in our room and packed since we had an early flight back to Chicago.
Next: He proposed.
Category: Fiction