It slices, it dices, it’s…TGForum’s Monday Edition
Good Monday one and all! Today we offer only the finest writin’ and such as you might find anywhere to educate, infotain, and amuse. Here is a refuge from what Sarah Palin said about David Letterman, what Rush said about liberals, what Olbermann said about Rush and just about any other story the mainstream — or right and left stream media — might be saying about anything, unless they happen to mention transgender folks. Then we’re on it!
First up today is our distillation of the world’s media in search of those TG mentions, a little feature we like to call This Week In Transgenderism. Handmade by our devoted News Guru Ronnie Rho this week’s TWIT features articles on Chastity Bono manning up, a tribute to Danny LaRue, some fellas down Missouri way who were hopin’ fer another chance to get dolled up, Adam Lambert’s drag photos, the conservative spy who infiltrated the Gay Prom and a whole lot more. Don’t miss TWIT!
Next up is that sweet and sexy cartoon crossdresser Miss Lexy Tranner. The brainchild of our own sexy crossdresser Miss Kyra Kelly, Lexy is always learning something about the world of crossdressing. This month she learns that growing old may not be all bad. See what you think after you’ve read Lexy Tranner, Weekend CD.
Next we go out to lunch at Dina’s Diner. The head waitress — hey! she’s in charge there — Miss Dina Amberle, dishes out her take on some of the news items of the past month. This month she gives us her perspective on the practice of using photo fixing software to alter the looks of covergirls. Well, if the fashion industry can do it so can we. We altered Dina’s photo and made her into a supermodel covergirl. Don’t miss the before and after photos. She also talks about new saline implants that go bouncy, bounce, the dangers of lead in your lipstick (talk about a heavy pout) and gives us her comments on Ronnie’s TWIT of The Week, the bathing suit guy from Ohio. Don’t miss the Diner!
Rounding out the edition is Pamela DeGroff’s Perpetual Change. Pam introduces us to an FtM singer and performer named Joshua Klipp. Based in San Francisco Mister Klipp has been making a name for himself in trans music circles and beyond. He’s young, sexy and he used to be a girl. He’s even recorded a duet with his femme self by singing along with a track recorded when he was a femme soprano. Meet him, see the photos and find the links to his MySpace page in this month’s Perpetual Change.
That’s it for this week. If you have comments on an article use the comment box to share. If you have criticisms, questions or suggestions my email box is always open. enjoy!
Category: All TGForum Posts