Chapter 27 – Work after Surgery
I got up early and put on my makeup while my hair was warming in my curlers and made some oatmeal. I saw I needed a few more items From Trader Joe’s because most of my food in the refrigerator turned into science experiments due to my extended stay home.
My blouse and jacket were a little tight around the bust. I assume I may still be a little swollen. I loved being able to wear cute bras again.
“Miss Thomas, you’re back.” Said Sara. “It is so good to see you.” I sat down next to her and apologized for working her so hard.
“I love it, Miss Thomas. In my last position, I only sat and answered phones and filed a few papers. I find all of this so exciting.”
“If you get overburdened, you will tell me, won’t you? I will get you some help.”
I went into my office and saw some flowers Sara had brought for me. I went back out to her desk to thank her.
“Sara, you are so thoughtful. Thank you for these beautiful flowers and card. It was so thoughtful of you.”
“My pleasure, Miss Thomas.”
It was a good thing I worked at home, or I’d have had hundreds of emails and papers. I saw three large folders on my desk from Ms. Harris. There was all the work I accomplished during my recovery, and there were no edits or recommendations. There was a short note saying she wanted me to schedule a lunch brainstorming meeting with the division managers to discuss my ideas and proposals tomorrow at noon. I reread it. I called Sara.
“Yes, Miss Thomas,” I told her what was happening and for her to get with Donna to order lunches delivered.
“I need you to please make a list of my ideas and proposals along with a summary page and put them in a folder for everyone. Sort them by the date I made them, and if you have time, prepare an agenda to go in each folder. Can you do all of that?”
“That’s easy, Savannah. I’ll send out an email and attach everything as well. Should I ask about any food allergies too?”
“That’s another great idea! I sure am happy to have you, Sara. You still have all the Word files, don’t you? And order yourself a lunch and one for Donna and Ms. Harris. Please ask her if she’ll be attending. I’ll need you to take notes.”
“And if you don’t mind, I’ll like to audio record the meeting in case I miss something or don’t understand all the jargon and acronyms.”
“Of course. Another fantastic idea!”
Ms. Harris arrived while I was talking to Sara.
“Good morning, Savannah. Welcome back. We all missed you.”
“Thank you, Ms. Harris. It feels great to be back. Do you have a minute?” She came over, and Sara took charge and explained everything.
“You two are a relentless team. When you finish, please come see me, Savannah .”
Sara asked, “Ms. Harris, will you be attending the meeting as well.”
“Yes. Please tell Donna to make sure my schedule is open.
“Yes, Ma’am, Ms. Harris.”
I went into Ms. Harris’s office.
“Savannah, please come in. Sit down.” We walked over to the tan leather couch and sat. She asked me about how I was feeling and how thrilled she was to have me back.
“You know, Savannah, in such a short time, you have become a key member of this team and company. If you ever get an offer anywhere else, see me first.”
“Diane, I am more than happy here. I find this work incredibly exciting, rewarding, challenging, and fun at the same time. I am still a little sore, but practically all the bruising is gone. And the swelling is almost gone too.” It feels great to wear a cute bra. I told my Mother I was going to burn the old one as they did in the ’60s.” Ms. Harris couldn’t stop laughing. Then I told her about my wanting to display it in a museum as a medieval torture device. I’ve never seen her laugh so hard.
Donna popped in, “Ms. Harris, coffee? Miss Thomas?”
“Please, thank you, Donna.”
“She is a real sweetheart; I like everyone on this floor.” Ms. Harris finally calmed down from laughing about my bra comments.
Diane stood up and walked to her desk, picked up a folder, and returned.
“Savannah, these are the three main proposals of yours that caught my attention the most, and I’d like you to talk about them at the meeting. I feel these will be of most value to us. Still have Sara send the rest out and ask for feedback. Today, I would like you to personally talk to each team leader about them and give them an overview. Bring them up here to the conference room. And Savannah, please try not to tease those men too much.”
“I promise I’ll behave. Diane. Truthfully, I consider them DJ Harris’s ideas.” Diane reached over and squeezed my hand. Diane mentioned my skin.
“I’ve seen many ladies with what I thought had perfect skin, and I envied them. But none as perfect as yours. How do you do it, Savannah ?”
“Everyday night since my sister started dressing me, she showed me a night regime of cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing. I’ve done it every single night since.”
“Beautiful, Savannah. Lucky you started at a young age. I bet any lady would love your skin.”
“Thank you, Diane. You are so sweet. Is there anything else? I have to go tell Sara about your new priorities.” I picked up my coffee cup and started to leave.
“Get Sara to invite them up here this afternoon. Will 2 :00 p.m. work?” I nodded, yes.
“I’ll have Donna will go down and escort them up here.”
I departed to see Sara about the new priorities. The rest of the morning, we worked on the meeting. Sara is amazing. She sent the emails to the five men along, telling them to read them before the meeting along with an agenda. I hate calling on the intercom when Sara is just outside my office.
I went out to her. “Sara, how do you do this so fast?”
“It wasn’t that difficult.” I smiled. I was heading back into my office, shaking my head in amazement with Sara’s word processing skills and abilities.
“Lunch on Thursday, Sara. Want some coffee?”
“Thank you, Savannah. I’d like that. And coffee?”
The rest of the morning, I worked on my first meeting. At noon then to the break-room and got a yogurt and water.
“Sara, have you had a break this morning? Sara got up, followed me to the break room, and asked her about her life, family, and future dreams.
Three older and two rather cute younger men showed up just before two, as Donna escorted them to the conference room.
“Good afternoon, gentlemen, my name is Savannah Thomas, and this is Miss Craig. Ms. Harris has asked me to brainstorm these three ideas that Miss Craig sent you this morning before we meet Wednesday.”
I detest long meetings, but his one lasted over thirty minutes. I was okay since it fostered significant input, and the discussions stayed on track.
“Great ideas and input, gentlemen. Thank you. Please share with your teams, and I’ll see you Wednesday at noon.” I walked with them to the elevator.
It took Sara less than an hour to organize the ideas. She printed a hardcopy, then put it in an email folder, then a paper folder for Donna to give to Diane. I found a copy of the folder on my desk when I returned from the ladies’ room.
“Sara, how fast do you type?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never timed myself or counted words.”
About two hours later, I heard someone quite yelling quite loudly from outside my office, “Savannah, Sara!” I got up and looked out of my office, who was talking so loudly. “Will you two come to my office?” Said Ms. Harris.
“You two must have charmed the pants off those men. I’ve never got this much out of them ever! This work is amazing. Sara, I’m amazed you compiled all of this quickly?”
Sara replied humbly, “Thank you.”
“I need at least a hundred of you two ladies. Simply incredible work.”
We both said, “Thank you,” at the same time. I tried to give the credit to Sara.
I finally was able to make it to Trader Joe’s and stock up. Hopefully, this weekend, Costco can restock some bulk items and pick up Dr. Paul’s and Dr. Knight’s prescriptions for my estrogen. Then I remembered they came to me in the mail.
I made a promise to recommit to run three days a week and yoga and the gym for the other three days. I decided to change when I returned from Trader Joe’s, then for a two-mile run on the complex’s gym treadmill.
The next day Sara and I were busy with minor edits to the three proposals.
Wednesday, I wore a satin camisole under my jacket and skirt suit. The camisole wasn’t as restrictive as the fitted blouses were.
Sara had already had the folders laid out on the conference table. I started the meeting when the lunches arrived.
“Gentlemen, please go get your lunches and come back and listen. This meeting will be a working lunch, so please raise your hand if you have any questions or anything to contribute.” For some reason, it felt all the men were fixated on my breast. So I stood a little taller, made my neck long and shoulders down and back for them. I did my best to control the dialogues and keep everyone focused (and not on my breasts). Sara was franticly typing on her laptop.
There were some great discussions, and they make me think. I kept notes while we talked. I summarized what we had discussed. “Thank you again, gentlemen; this was another productive meeting. I appreciate all of you, your hard work, and suggestions.” And looked at each one in their eye, and I smiled at them.
“Ms. Harris, before we adjourn, is there anything you wish to add or discuss?”
“Everyone, I think we have the best minds in the industry in this room. I thank Miss Thomas, Miss Craig, and all of you. Please send any comments to Miss Thomas. We will meet again soon. Thank you.” The gentlemen stood and filed out. Diane, Sara, and I stayed, and Donna returned to join us after keying the gentlemen down.
“Savannah, this was one of the best-run meetings I’ve ever been to in my life!”
“Thank you, but Sara did the preponderance of the work,” Sara whispered thank you to me. “They generated superb input and has me thinking.” We all stayed and ate our salads.
I stayed behind after Ms. Harris left and started cleaning up some of the mess the men left behind.
“I’ll do this, Savannah .”
“Sara, I’ll never have you do anything that I wouldn’t do myself.”
The rest of the year flew by, and DJ Harris was steadily growing. My hormones were doing wonders to my body. I may have to see Sally to re-tailor the hips of some of my skirts again.
Diane was thinking about some acquisitions of some companies and called me in to discuss it. I bought Sara with me.
“Thank you for confiding in me on this, Diane. I’ve been watching some of our competitors do this for quite a while now, and many have failed miserably. May I please speak freely?”
“Of course, Savannah. I value and appreciate both of your inputs and opinions.” I paused and composed my thoughts.
I began, “Diane, two things. First, (I held up one finger) you built this company based on your values, your vision, and your mission statement. Your values are why we are here and demonstrate to our customers what you stand for and believe. Our company values should never waiver, and in my opinion, we should never regress from them for any reason. If we acquire a company that won’t meet or doesn’t align with your values, mission, and vision, I don’t see how that will help us one bit— buying up companies because everyone else is, in my opinion, useless. Values are who DJ Harris is and what DJ Harris believes in, stands for, and what we are known for. Making a profit is not a value – it is merely a result of what we stand for and believe. (Diane’s eyes opened wide).
And second, (I held up two fingers) I feel we can’t keep saying yes to everyone. We are working everyone to death, and I think our luck may run out. By that, I believe that we mean you, Diane, should decide what we are good at doing and do those better than anyone else could dream of. Products and services that drive our economic engine every single day – products and services that represent your values and why we are here in the first place.” Sara was writing all this down. I’m glad because I don’t know if I could have repeated it. “We must stay the course of your values. I’m reading some great leadership and management books for my online MBA classes. I have seen what happens to the company’s when they stray from their founding fathers or lady’s values.” I continued,
“I remember when I was little, my father told me one should never stray from your values. Hold your values to your heart because they are who we are, what we stand for, and believe. It’s why we wake up each day — in other words, being authentic. But I know Sara, Donna, and the division and department heads will honor and support any decision you decide. I am not saying to grow, but it must align with why we are here in the first place. We must chase our dreams and beliefs, not our competitors.”
Mrs. Harris’s eyes opened wide again, and she just sat there looking in awe at me for maybe fifteen or so seconds or more. Sara’s eyes floated back and forth between Diane and me. Diane was still sitting there, thinking.
“Savannah, I’d make you CEO of the company if you weren’t so valuable in the position you are in now. Why didn’t they teach me that when I took my MBA? What you said makes perfect business sense. Sara, what do you think?”
Squirming a bit, she answered softly, “I’ve always liked the word authentic. What one believes in is reflected by what they say and do, and vice versa.”
I added, “And Diane, I’ll bet you even money everyone who works here doesn’t even know DJ Harris values are, or our mission statement or your vision for your company. Your values, your vision, and the mission statement should be posted in every room in this building. And I also feel that the department heads should have a five-minute meeting every Monday morning and discuss one of the values like they do at one high-end hotel. Sorry, I don’t recall which one off the top of my head. They even have their values on the back of their I.D. cards and have a 5-minute talk about one each week in an informal meeting. I’ll even be happy to write something up each Friday to send to them for them to have on Monday.”
Diane sat there, then said, “I want a strategic committee set up, even though I dislike committees, to go over our values, mission, and vision statement to ensure we abide by them and that we are in line with them. Savannah, do you have time to lead that task along with your other hundred jobs?”
“I’d be delighted. But disagree again, Diane. A committee should not be the ones who ensure with the DJ Harris values. You should. You are DJ Harris. I think growth should be obtained by focusing on what I said earlier. What is it that we do better than anyone else in the World based on what we believe in and what drives our economic engine, not by blindly making acquisitions simply because everyone else is doing it? And if you don’t mind, I would like you to consider one new value for your consideration.”
“What is that, Savannah ?’
“Keep your original values because they reflect who you are and who DJ Harris stands for. I think the first and most important value you should have is putting our employees first. Not our customers.”
Diane was taken aback at my last statement.
“What?” Diane answered in a shocking voice.
“If we treat everyone here well, they will take care of the clients and customers. I think we need a newsletter, at-a-boys, employee family news, etc. I know you make me, Sara, and Donna, feel special every day. I want everyone in this building to feel the same. Some small costs would be involved, but the rewards will greatly outweigh those costs in the long run. Diane, if you walked into every place in this building today, how many employees would you know by name, their spouses, and children? Our division managers and department heads should too, and then get back to Donna so you can personally follow up on any family news, major illnesses, deaths, marriages, babies, and graduations. Recognition is paramount, in my opinion. Southwest, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, and Starbucks does it.”
“I agree with you, Savannah. Being at the top, I feel I have lost touch with everyone. I have meetings all afternoon. Will you two and Donna meet with me here tomorrow morning? And Sara, and you, please email me what Savannah said about values?”
“Of course, Ms. Harris. I’ll polish it up and have it to you shortly.”
Diane said, “I have the best three ladies in the World working here on the executive floor with me.”
It took Sara less than twenty minutes to do what Diane asks her to do! I hope I get to do her personnel evaluations. Not only did she email them to me, Diane, and Donna. She printed them and put them in a folder for Diane and me. “Savannah, here is the folder. Would you like to give this to Ms. Harris?”
“You may have the honor of presenting it to her, Sara.”
Over the next three months, I met with the department heads and division managers about the values, mission, and visions of DR Harris. I implemented the Monday ‘Values’ emails to send to them for their Monday informal meetings. I also “cc’d” it to Diane. Signs were made and posted in each room. Positive feedback started flowing in. More sales began coming in, and things were going well. Diane told me she loved visiting the employees and asked me to start joining her. I recommended to her all-new hire employee personally to meet with her for at least a few minutes too.
I asked the sales and accounts receivable managers what their most significant issues were. He said, “We’re still receiving complaints on billing because the new price lists weren’t being sent out on time. Therefore clients were billed on the prices from the new price list.” I told him to make sure each of our salesmen receives their commission based on the new price list. Then instruct each salesman to inform their clients to circle what they are disputing on their invoices and to pay what ‘they’ the customer considers fair. Next, I had the sales and accounts receivable get together and solve these billing discrepancies. Diane found out what I had done and called me in her office.
“Savannah, you seem to be running the business better than me. I heard about the billing and sales issues and what you did. I can’t believe they are working together and have solved the issues. When do you have time to do all this?”
“Diane, you have bigger decisions to make and handle. I was simply trying to free your time with issues that should never happen and that you shouldn’t have to spend time-solving. I pray I didn’t overstep your authority or violated boundaries? And if I did, I apologize. All I try to do things that will keep your values, your vision, and your mission alive and strong.”
“Savannah, how can I clone you? Really, how can I clone you? Sales and employee morale appear to be at an all-time high, and our costs are way down. We may have to invest in upgrading manufacturing next. If Mrs. Turner never told me about you, my company would still be in the dark ages. Now it seems what when someone asks me a question, my answer is, ask Miss Thomas.”
“Diane, Thank you, but I’m not the only one. Everyone is feeling good and contributing. I’ve heard from the division managers and department heads they love you visiting their department and chatting with the employees. If we stay focused on what we stand for and what we believe in, we will be unstoppable. What I need is a clone of Sara! In the future, I hope to get her some help. She must have calluses on her poor little fingertips for all the typing I give her. Also, I think you should consider putting a lot of the day-to-date decision making back on the division managers and department heads since they are on the front lines. It will greatly open your time or bigger decisions.”
“Savannah, you always make me feel good when you come in here.” And have Donna see that Mrs. Turner to find help for Sara. But first, ask Sara what she needs the most to help her. And I like the idea about the department heads being decision-makers in their areas.”
In the next two weeks, my ideas, somehow, kept flowing out of my mind. Where they originate from, I have no idea. Not only product ideas, but corporate ones too. Maybe the latter was from my MBA studies.
Tuesday before two big meetings that day, I came down with the flu or some other nasty bug. My body ached, from head to toe, and I was throwing up. Sara called my cell phone when I didn’t show up.
“What about the two meetings today, Miss Thomas?
Darn, I said to myself. Why do I need to get sick now? Replying in a raspy voice, “Sara, can you please run them for me?
“But, but, Miss Thomas.”
My voice was now squeaking, “Sara, you know as much about these projects as I do. You probably know more details than I do.”
Diane showed up for the first of the two meetings after Sara arrived and asked, “Where’s Savannah ? “
She has the flu and sounded miserable on the phone. She asked me to run the meeting.”
“Savannah hasn’t had one sick day since she’s been here. Are you okay running it, Sara?”
“Yes, Ma’am, Ms. Harris.”
Diane called me after the meeting and asked me how I was and if she could do anything to help.
“I think I need rest and fluids, and maybe my Mother here to care for me.” Still speaking with a squeaky voice, “How did Sara do with the meeting?”
“Almost as good as you, Savannah. She told me she was well tutored, groomed, and weaned by the best. You!”
Still talking in a raspy voice, “I have no doubts she can do anything I can do. I feel she needs a raise. I’d recommend a promotion for her, but I don’t dare lose her.”
“I’ll make something happen, Savannah. You two make a great team. Get some rest. Want me to fly your mother up here to care for you?” I said no, that was a big girl and will be back as soon as I can.
It wasn’t until the following Monday I made it back into the office. I lost four pounds from being ill. Sara joked and said that she was thinking about spraying some fake cobwebs in my office.
“Sara, I heard you did a fantastic job at last week’s meetings. Thank you so much. And I doubt I could do my job without you. And Ms. Harris was thrilled at how you ran the meetings. Friday was our bi-weekly payday. Sara came running in with a huge smile from her raise. I wanted to give you a promotion, but I don’t or can’t afford to lose you. You are way too valuable to me.”
When I first met Mrs. Turner in H.R. about my transition, I had almost forgotten that she said there were other transgender ladies here at DJ Harris. I wanted to meet them. I emailed Mrs. Turners for their names and what departments they were in, and if it was legal for her to disclose their personal information. She sent up a sealed envelope with their names, job titles, and departments they worked in – I guess Donna and Sara aren’t transgender women since they were not on the list. I met each one privately and asked if they wished to meet the other transitioned ladies here at work. All four of the ladies appeared to be in their late forties or early fifties or so, and I assumed they too must have transitions late in life. Two of them worked in accounting, accounts receivable, and accounts payable, and the other in internet sales. Surprisingly, we had no transgender men. I wondered why.
I told Diane I wanted to take them to lunch. I made arranged with their division managers that they would be with me Wednesday. I didn’t think Diana wished to join us but asked her anyway. As I expected, she declined.
On the day of our lunch, I had a car take us all to the restaurant.
All of them were single and didn’t know one another. Two were divorced due to their transitioning; I found that sad. I was surprised many had deep voices. I wanted to know how DJ Harris was treating them. Besides receiving the lower pay for being female (which I plan to try to change), they all seemed happy working for DJ Harris. I observed their mannerisms and overall demeanor. I must have been blessed starting so young and having mentors like Mother and Gwen. We had a great lunch, and I hoped I could create some bonding between them. At the end of lunch, I told them I, too, was a transgender lady. None of them believed me. I also said to them that only their superiors and one person in H.R. know about our status here at this table. And that I expected them to keep our privacy. They all promised. I paid for lunch and made a note to myself to visit each one on occasion.
The next year went well at work, and so were my hormones. I was dating some, my electrolysis was complete, and I never had to shave my face or legs again. I bought a couple of new bikinis for the pool and was in an excellent financial position to buy a condo of my own. I told Diane, and she recommended her realtor.
I spent three weekends trying to find a condo that I liked. The realtor kept showing places that didn’t fit the list of pre-requisites I gave her. She took me to places that she said, “I might like it.” But they didn’t meet my criteria. I looked and looked and looked. Nothing seems what I was looking for, and my relator seemed a bit frustrated with me. One Sunday, while reading through the new homes section, I found a new build condo that I liked and not far from where I was now. I called my realtor and said I wanted to look at it today. I have a preapproval to buy up to a certain amount. She met me at the condo, and I said,
“I’ll take it.”
“You know others are looking at it too?”
“I’ll sign today!” The relator took me to her office, and in just over two hours, I was a property owner. I called Mom and told her I bought a place and sent her the website listing link to look over the photos and videos. I told Diane the next morning.
In just over a month, I was moved in.
I hadn’t had a vacation since my augmentation procedure over two years ago. I want to go home and see Mom and Sis.
“Savannah, it’s been that long. You don’t have to ask me. Just go.”
I told Diane she would be the first to invite her over to dinner in my new condo after moving in.
Finally, all my moving boxes were gone, and I was settled into my new home and looked forward to seeing Mom and Gwen again. I booked my flight.
Next: Disaster at work.
Category: Fiction