A List of Buckets
What’s in your wallet? You’ve heard that question asked. What if you don’t have a wallet? What if you have a purse and better yet a designer handbag? Does anybody care what’s in your handbag? I guess it does not have that familiar ring. “What’s in your purse” doesn’t sound so “DUH” does it? Where am I going with this? Nowhere really. I thought I would raise it to see if we can get Capital One to give us equal time. What I really came to say (No not figuratively but literally) is “Why would anyone want to make a list of buckets?”
“Buckets,” yes, “buckets.” You’ve heard the question “What’s on your bucket list?” Sounds like Capital One in disguise. Well after concluding that Capital One is not female friendly, I decided to tackle this new conundrum — bucket lists. After all, any person of any gender can have buckets.
I started a list and here is a cross-section of it: paint bucket –one for each color, water bucket, salt bucket (for these pesky icy mornings) feed bucket (if you’re into horses — oh come on get your mind out of the gutter), slop bucket (that brings back memories of pre-garbage disposal days), tar bucket, etc. The list became quite long. I pondered it for a long while, added a few more items and then tried to study it. Studying was never my strong suit. Come to think of it I never wore suits, the jackets don’t complement my body.
Back to the buckets; what’s in your bucket? Is there a Capital One card in there? You might want to remove it before you use the bucket to carry paint. I’ve tried to use a credit card after I got paint on it. The credit card reader refused to read the card — how rude! When I called the credit card company they could not figure out why the card didn’t work. They probably don’t have bucket lists since the friendly customer service representative never broached the topic of paint or buckets. So bucket lists must not be as prevalent as everyone wants us to believe.
You are probably already digging through your desk drawer, trolling your computer, checking your handbag and looking under the mattress for that list. I’d be interested in how many buckets there are on your list. I think I’m going to take my list to the Ace because that’s the place with the helpful hardware folks (they changed their slogan from ‘helpful hardware man” to ‘helpful hardware folks” –so very quaint… and appropriate). I want to see how helpful they really are. I’ll bet they don’t ask me “what’s in your wallet?” I know they can help me add to my bucket list. I want to keep that list growing. Maybe I’ll figure out why a list of buckets is so important.
I hope you have many buckets on your list and they are all filled to overflowing with love, joy and happiness.
Have a wonderful holiday season, be safe, be careful and be happy!
Category: Transgender Fun & Entertainment