The TGForum Monday Edition
We’re glad you could join us today for the TGForum Monday Edition. Monday is the day we bring you new content and, oops, we’ve done it again.
We always start the Monday Edition with This Week In Transgenderism by our News Editor Ronnie Rho. Miss Rho has scoured the planet for stories with a TG twist and she has found crossdressing hookers in India who aren’t members of the eunuch community but simple crossdressers supplementing their income. She also directs us to links about a British reality show star who has turned to high class hooking to pay medical bills after an accident, a new show from RuPaul, a Cher impersonator who can’t tell his mum about his occupation, Keifer Sutherland in a dress on the Letterman Show, and a whole lot more. It’s all there for mass consumption in this edition of TWIT.
Perpetual Change is our column devoted to TGs making music and it’s produced by our music correspondent Miss Pamela DeGroff. This month Pamela does a review of House of Joy the new CD by Roger Anthony Yolanda Mapes. There are also some updates on PC favorites Jennifer Leitham and Calpernia Addams. Don’t miss Perpetual Change.
This Edition brings part three of Michelle Moore’s TG History on Butcher Brown. Is it safe yet? Has Brown been locked up and punished for his crimes against humanity? Only one way to find out — read TG History. If you like the Saw movies you don’t want to miss Dr. Brown’s story.
And that wraps up this week’s Monday Edition. Enjoy! And don’t forget to let us know how we’re doing by using the comment boxes under each post.
Category: TG Forum News