Tag: teen queens

The Week In Trans 12/17/18

| Dec 17, 2018 | Reply

Time again for the fascinating feature we call The Week In Trans. Today we learn that Angela Ponce won praise for he bikini body in the Miss Universe pageant. The Trump administration is still trying to convince the judge to let them ban trans soldiers. San Francisco creates a cultural district base on trans history. A trans prisoner was denied hormones in prison. She sued and won the case. More evidence that denying the validity of transgender identity causes mental health problems. If Brexit is finalized there may be a hormone shortage in Great Britain. The Church of England has produced guidelines for a ceremony to welcome transgender people. A woman in the Kansas Senate has left the Republican Party over disagreement with a Republican resolution recognizing only two genders. A pastor in Detroit has been arrested in the murder of a transgender woman. Tasmania passes a law making it easier to change legal gender. There’s all that and more, plus a couple of TWIT Awards waiting for you in TWIT!

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