breast forrms

Tag: media

Labeled to Death

| Mar 10, 2014 | 2 Replies

Humans are born into a world and taught by label. A is for apple and B is for Butterfly. We grow up identifying things by which they were taught to us. O is for orange, P is for penis and Q is for queer. There are compartments for everyone and everything. The society created by […]

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The Shadow of Genderqueer

| Feb 10, 2014 | Reply

Just when the mainstream media is getting used to the term “transgender” and we’re able to start issuing fewer TWIT Awards to newspapers and websites for their misuse or non-use of the word The Artist D let’s us know that there’s a new word they’ll need to become familiar with. It’s lurking in the shadows now. It can be heard on college campuses and other places where nuanced reasoning crops up. What’s the word? Genderqueer.

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