breast forrms

Tag: kindness

Hello in There

| Mar 9, 2015 | Reply

Nobody believes a wild child. People look down upon eccentric teens and weird youthful creatures. Yet if they are consistent and bring it into adulthood they are taken slightly more seriously. Too many young people are taken as going through phases, fads and having whims. But who is to say that phases, fads and whims […]

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Be Kind, Rewind

| Feb 9, 2015 | Reply

The Artist D feels that our western society has gotten so enamored of the idea that everyone should get their fifteen minutes of fame that it’s gotten out of hand. Andy Warhol would be appalled. What’s wrong with just “being”? Why do people seem to feel they need to be “something”? And what’s wrong with being a purple penguin? Read The Artist D’s “Be Kind, Rewind and see.

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breast forrms