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Tag: freedom

Trick or Treat Tranny

| Oct 19, 2015 | Reply

Our late founder JoAnn Roberts called Halloween a holy day of obligation for crossdressers. It is the one day in the year that regular guys can experiment with wearing women’s clothing without repercussions from their friends. The Artist D believes that Halloween should happen everyday and what the world needs is more straight men wearing dresses. If they did that the whole world would shift and anything would be cool.

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Hello in There

| Mar 9, 2015 | Reply

Nobody believes a wild child. People look down upon eccentric teens and weird youthful creatures. Yet if they are consistent and bring it into adulthood they are taken slightly more seriously. Too many young people are taken as going through phases, fads and having whims. But who is to say that phases, fads and whims […]

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Follow Your Bliss

| Aug 26, 2013 | Reply

Fifty years ago Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream. Here in the 21st century The Artist D has a dream and it is one she tries to live everyday. As John Lennon imagined, so The Artist D dreams and she dreams of a world without judgement or gossip. A world where there is no need to come out because everyone is “out” about who they are all the time to everyone. Come and live, at least for a few brief moments, inside The Artist D’s beautiful dream.

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