Tag: Felicity Chandelle

Felicity Chandelle (1905–2008), Pilot and Crossdresser

| Oct 16, 2023 | Reply

Our title is Felicity Chandelle (1905–2008), Pilot and Crossdresser. At age ten, in 1915, young John Miller was spending his free time at a local flight school. His ambition was to become a pilot. Miller did that. First delivering the mail to Camden, New Jersey, in a gyrocopter that took off from the roof of the Philadelphia post office, and becoming an airline pilot. Then in `969 the urge for feminine glamor struck and Felicity was born. Attending crossdresser meeting and events all over the east coast she was there at historic places. This is her story, sent to TGF by Jan Brown and Dallas Denny.

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