Tag: Elaine Lancaster

The Week In Transgenderism 8/3/15

| Aug 3, 2015 | Reply

It’s The Week In Transgenderism! All the news about trans people from around the world, mashed together into one tasty TG treat! Today we learn that an actress in NYC was inspired to come out as trans by the same-sex marriage decision. The Pentagon study on trans troops started today. Men who are attracted by trans women demand some respect. The all-trans modeling agency announces is roster of models. A male body builder comes out as a trans woman. Verka Seduchka hits the U.S. market. Trans porn is a big thing for straight males. A Digital Transgender Archive is starting. Caitlyn Jenner’s first episode airs and she shows her conservative views. Bathroom wars heat up. Jazz Jennings is profiled in The Advocate. A drag queen becomes a hero. All that and more plus a few TWIT Awards is waiting for you in TWIT!

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