Good Morning TGFers!

| Jan 5, 2009
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All this holiday stuff is finally over for a bit and we can get back down to important stuff. Stuff like reading the brand new, hot off the word processor and html editing unit, TGForum Monday Edition.

First up today is This Week In Transgenderism, artfully fashioned by the one and only Ronnie Rho. From the TS fantasy/horror author who doesn’t want to emphasize the T, to a video parody, the T girls in Kuwait and the latest dish on Amanda Lepore (are her lips getting bigger?) — it’s all in TWIT Notes.

Dr. Osborne’s A Visit With Osbo’s Bridge Club is not about the game of Bridge in any way. It is about the issues of transgender people from a therapist’s viewpoint. This week Dr. Osborne takes on shame and guilt with a look at how much damage those two little words can wreak. If you’ve ever been ashamed or guilty about your crossdressing of gender difference this is the week to visit the Bridge Club.

While Dr. Osborne deals with shame and guilt from the therapist’s side our CD blogger Linda Jensen has a new post this week that deals with the importance of validation. You’re nobody till somebody loves ya (and if you recognize that as a song lyric you’re right) and you can really be somebody when those you care about pass out some validation. Don’t skip over Validation: So Very Important.

Next we bring you our full time androgyne, makeover specialist and party hostess Miss Kalina Isato with Ninja Beauty Secrets Part 17. In this edition of Ninja Kalina discusses how to achieve and when to use two different looks — Natural and Glamor. If you’ve been confused and shown up at the mall on Saturday morning in sequins and heavy makeup you’ll learn that was an error and you should have chosen the Natural look. Don’t make that mistake again! Check out Ninja Beauty Secrets Part 17.

Return with us now to those golden days of sometime in the ’60s (’70s?) when a woman was a woman and a man was a woman. Of course I’m talking about the epic tale of Terri Sayers — actress, shop girl, and TS — as she makes her way toward love, friendship, bigger paying roles, and the perfect neo-vagina in the dramatic continuation of Theresa by Hebe Dotson. Cue the organ music! This week it’s Part 33.

Don’t stop now! Scroll down or click on the links in this post and visit all that TGF has to offer in this edition. And don’t forget to use the darned Chat Room and BBS. Have fun!

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Category: All TGForum Posts


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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