Florida Thoughts
Florida has become a fascist state under the GQP. The HRC and NAACP as well as other organizations have issued travel warning to LGBTQ and people of color, warning that travel to Florida could be dangerous.
I found two articles in a Pensacola newspaper (actually, the amazing Sabrina Pandora found them, and I read them.) The first is about Florida parents who disagree with their child’s gender identity being able now to legally kidnap children from the gender-affirming parent. The second is what to do if you’re transgender and living in Florida.
In other words, if you’re trans, the GQP is coming for you, and this is what they want for ALL of the U.S. Remember, the GQP has said out loud that they want us eradicated. Or parents who allow their transgender kids to live should be shot in the head.
So, yeah, I’m feeling down. I wonder if my research is too little too late against the tide of right-wing Hate. They lie, and people believe the lies. We have science on our side, but the GQP has a propaganda machine that stokes anger and fear.
Why hasn’t the federal government stepped in? HRC? Lambda Legal? Anyone? (Answer: because we’re transgender.) We’ve been thrown under the bus AGAIN.
Recently, I watched Everything Everywhere All at Once. Add to that, the whole Marvel movie-verse has been all about multiple realities. Maybe there’s a reality where we’re actually accepted. I’d settle for one where we’re not being targeted. Or where I didn’t destroy my life.
Stay safe.
Category: Transgender Opinion