Letter To The Editor — Some Respect From The Shopping Channels!
A TGF member asks, “Why can’t we get some respect from the shopping channels?” And she asks us to take a survey of our members on the topic. So, here we present her plea and invite you to let her know how you feel about the shopping channels feeling “free to ridicule crossdressers.” Read and comment.
We TG’s must speak up to the two most popular home shopping channels!
How many of us love to curl up on my couch with a cup of tea and order clothes without the nuisances involved in shopping ? The lack of reaction from their representatives when I order clothes tells me they are used to selling women’s clothes to men. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn ten percent of their clothes shoppers are men.
Why then do they feel free to ridicule crossdressers? Don’t misunderstand me, I am not so naive as to think they might acknowledge how much of their business is from the TG community. But do they have to make fun of us?
I get crestfallen when they giggle at the idea of a male customer enjoying wearing their merchandise.
Is it possible for TG Forum to survey its members to see if there are other TG’s who feel as I do?
Please consider and let me know.
Thank you,
Penny Cash
Category: Letters To The Editor