How Trans Is Trans?

| Oct 9, 2017
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At some point each MtF person who is TG/TS has likely considered whether they should transition or not. And for some transition means the full spectrum of hormones, electrolysis, surgery, etc. For others it may mean a more limited situation where they don’t legally change their name or undergo gender reassignment surgery but for all intents and purposes they live full time as women. Being fully retired and not having many close relatives would certainly make this kind of option easier. 

For a number of years now I have self identified as a non-op TS. Is it possible to be a TS and not transition? In my opinion it is. In my view people who fully transition are courageous, but doing so is not always the best thing for self and family. In my own case, being on what some call the middle path, I use a particular test to assess where I am and where I want to go: If I maintain the course I am on now (i.e. not transitioning), will I be happy and am I okay with it? Secondly, what about family considerations?

In my case I think I’m content with not going farther down that path, given that if I did it would cause significant disruptions in the family. Another factor is that I have always been attracted to women, so becoming a woman myself would for the most part mean women would not be attracted to me. Would that bother me? Yes, in a way I think it would, and so I hesitate. Age is a consideration too, as I am not getting any younger. I imagine myself not going any farther than I have already gone, but basically treading water with the kind of lifestyle I’ve built, and I am content. And so the decision to keep on the middle path seems more and more like the right path. 

Do I think a lot about these things? I definitely do, and I am sure I have plenty of company in that. Each of us has to arrive at a conclusion tailored to their own situation. And I wish everyone well in that. It is not very simple or easy, but each has to make that decision for themselves.

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Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

My name is Kim, and I'm a non-op transsexual. I love to correspond with others who have an interest in feminine beauty, gender illusion, and related subjects. My goal is to look like the genetic girls in the J. Jill or Sundance catalogs, so I keep myself as realistically feminine as possible. I go out as Kim very often and delight in being a woman, with all that it entails! My height is about 5-7 and I weigh about 145 lb. For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be a female, and that desire is intense. Given that fact, I'm a TS rather than a CD/TV. In general, I am more of a daytime mall chick rather than a nighttime party girl. Other interests: I'm like the Energizer Bunny with regard to exercise!

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