Letter to the Editor
A TGForum member from a southern state writes a letter to the editor stating why she will vote for the GOP in the upcoming presidential election.
A TGForum member from a southern state writes a letter to the editor stating why she will vote for the GOP in the upcoming presidential election.
A cisgender woman and LGBTQ ally writes to TGForum over her concerns that passage of anti-trans laws means anyone, no matter their political affiliation, sexuality or gender identity, could conceivably become targeted by the right over the slightest hint that they may have dressed up for a part in a play or skit. She tells the story of a Republican legislator in her state who voted against an anti-trans bill who is being attacked because he dressed in comedy drag for a TV commercial for his business.
Our Contributor Pauline Estelle learned of an incident that took place at a Canadian university in 2017. A university psychology professor was set to appear on a panel with three others to talk about political correctness. Due to the reputation of the professor as a conservative who is the antithesis of progressive thought the other panel members dropped out. The professor went on alone and was eventually shouted off the stage by the students. This got Pauline Estelle riled up. We agree that shouting someone off stage is not good, you also have to consider the reputation of the man they shouted down.
Possible it’s time to change “Letters to the Editor” to “Emails to the Editor.” Last week we received a message in our inbox that says it is an “open letter.” In that spirit we publish it today so you can see what the author is saying and then, if you are moved to do so, add your comments in the comment area.
Dear Editor, All beings on this planet have an inalienable right to express their own individual personality as long as doing so is not harmful to other members of the community. The female gender have been crossdressing without hindrance from time immemorial and are still allowed to carry it on in public where it is […]
A first time Keystone Conference attendee came to the event with almost no femme clothes. She needed everything but a wig. She went shopping near the hotel and had some interesting interactions with store employees — and one downright fantastic makeover.
A TGF member asks, “Why can’t we get some respect from the shopping channels?” And she asks us to take a survey of our members on the topic. So, here we present her plea and invite you to let her know how you feel about the shopping channels feeling “free to ridicule crossdressers.” Read and […]